Sea Wyvern's Wake: motivation problems

Savage Tide Adventure Path

Some of my players (mostly the neutral and evil PCs) were and are still hard to convince that they should join Lavinia to the Isle of Dread.

They went all financial about the question (quite normal for their alignment), which i organized this way:

Lavinia pays them from the Meravanchi investment:
- 200gp/month/PC
- the whole of the 2000 food and 10 tons of supply units, approx 3000 gp (and further refilling of supplies)
- once arriving they can conduct any legal mercantile activity based on Farshore's resources

For this they have to do the following:
- pay the sailor crew (6 sailorsm each costing 0,5 gp/day/sailor)
- bring along 10 colonists and the other named NPCs.

Some of the players still feel the trip to be not rewarding enough... I think that it's the amount of money they harassed through the adventures that make them feel that the net money they make is not worth it.

I disagree with them. I feel this to be a normal deal for this level and considering the monetary level of the NPCs.

What do you think?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

How about the prospect of several unexplored ruins to plunder?

It depends on how many people you have in the party.

If you have 4 characters then you are offering them 1350 gp for three months of work. For 6 characters it's only 1100 gp. From a meta game (and adventure design) view there is nothing wrong with this offer for a 5th level party. From a player's point of view it might be a little short to convince them to invest at least 6 months of their in game time.

If the party is evil here are some options:

1.) The Meravanchis: The Meravanchi's can offer a great deal of money to the party. Say another 2000 (or 5000 or 10000 or even more). Promise them whatever it takes to get them on the boat. The caveat is they have to make sure Avner makes it to Farshore alive (and also never returns to Sasserine). Then you completely screw them over by having Manthalay deny them the funds due to the pirate attack. Eventually they will get their money (maybe by 10th level after they've increased the assets of Farshore) but by then it will be chump change.

2.) On the Lamb: Provide a side quest to entrap the party. They're evil, right? What did they do with the Lotus Dragons? Is Rowyn still alive? Have them, or perhaps Jerliss from the Crimson Fleet contact the party to run a mission. Maybe kill the Harbormaster, or hijack a ship or something. Then catch the PCs. Throw wave after wave of law enforcement after them. If they don't get caught then they might feel the pressure to leave civilization anyway. If they do get caught Lavinia can spring them out on the condition that they leave for Farshore.

There is only one evil (drow LE wizard) in the party, other two PCs are N and LN and there are two good PCs. One of them is the son of the harbor master, who's father got killed by the Lotus Dragons,personally by Vanthus. I have put this in the letters of his to Rowyn, who got away to appear later on the ship.

Contacting the drow PC by Zebula Meravanchi seems like a good idea. It would also twist things around as he already wants to kill the bloke for his attitude and trying to act as the boss on their ship.

Thanks for the ideas!

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