About Dragon #355 "Creature Catalog"

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

I saw the previews for it on ENWorld, someone posted the information, but I have to say one thing about the "Creature Catalog" article.

It states there's a "insect lycanthrope" template in it and I just need to say that it's been done by WotC already, for free, on their website back in 2004.

It's located here in case anyone wants to look and it's pretty fleshed out to me. It's also 3.5E, as well, I believe: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20040621a

Just thought I'd point that out before it goes to print. Now hopefully you guys can stick something new in there ;D

Hmm, "vile plants"... interesting. ;)

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