140 online suppliment?

Savage Tide Adventure Path

Wher is issue 140's online suppliment. 141 has been posted, and 140 was skipped over.

Liberty's Edge

Par-a-dox wrote:
Wher is issue 140's online suppliment. 141 has been posted, and 140 was skipped over.

I believe in another thread they said it should be available "Monday-ish." (Meaning today, now.)

I was wondering the same thing...these supplements are very useful indeed. Dungeon should be commended for integrating the power of the internet with their magazine. I hope this trend continues.

Mordun77 wrote:
I was wondering the same thing...these supplements are very useful indeed. Dungeon should be commended for integrating the power of the internet with their magazine. I hope this trend continues.

I totally agree. I have come to really rely on these for running my games!

Its up. Thank you Dungeon Staffers!

Many thanks!

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