Article request: combat system & battlemaps

Dragon Magazine General Discussion


I love D&D. I have been playing it for 15years now but I must say that the current 3.5 combat system is a bit of a hybrid between on one hand a mini-oriented system and the other hand what I called a purely narative combat system. Sadly, the rules fall short of covering both aspects.

What would be interesting in my opinionis a serie of articles covering both aspects. Personally, I find that there are big holes in the current rules, especially if you play as I do a more mini oriented combat.

Some good questions need answering. The rules do not tell you anywhere how precise are spells like web or fireball? Can a mage be precise enough with his web spell so that to engulf his foes but not his friends fighting them in hand-to-hand combat? Apparently he can because there is no rule that tells you how you place the template. Also, why don't attack of opportunities do not block movement? Rogues under the current system are absolutely lethal with their sneak attack.

TabulaRasa wrote:


The rules do not tell you anywhere how precise are spells like web or fireball? Can a mage be precise enough with his web spell so that to engulf his foes but not his friends fighting them in hand-to-hand combat? Apparently he can because there is no rule that tells you how you place the template.

Monte Cook tackled the question of accuracy of area target spells in the Dungeoncraft article in Dungeon #138.


TabulaRasa wrote:
Also, why don't attack of opportunities do not block movement? Rogues under the current system are absolutely lethal with their sneak attack.

Use your attack of opportunity to trip the rogue, rather than just attacking. Now you've halted the rogue's movement.

Disarm him or sunder his weapon, and his movement won't matter. Grapple him and you halt his movement and negate his ability to attack.

I'm not sure if this applies or not, but I thought in the current tumble rules if they fail the tumble check they automatically stop their movement in the threatened square and the opponent gets an AOO.


cthulhudarren wrote:
I'm not sure if this applies or not, but I thought in the current tumble rules if they fail the tumble check they automatically stop their movement in the threatened square and the opponent gets an AOO.

Depends if they were attempting to Tumble past somebody, or through somebody.

Tumbling past somebody is a DC 15. If you're successful, whomever you Tumble past cannot take their attack of opportunity for your movement; if you fail the Tumble check, you move as you planned, but the foe gets their AoO.

If you want to Tumble through an enemy's square, the DC is 25. If you suceed, you move through and your enemy cannot take their attack of opportunity. If you fail, your movement ends in the last available square though which you moved (typically the square in front of your foe, but not always). Failure in this case also allows the enemy to take a whack at you.

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