Lemoria, err.. lemuria ;) Maybe thats the islands real name?

Savage Tide Adventure Path

Sure that shouldnt be LemUrians??

especially the "Madame Blavatsky's Lemuria" -part ;)

"...Lemuria respectively) are presented as dinosaur-infested lands."

Well, be it as it may, the warlock is already hell bent on creating a vril-ya under the isle, and a "black sun" of sorts to grant eternal power. So i guess it all goes well in hand with the late 19th c style ... mythology, exploration and naturalism ;)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Lemoriax is the name of Demogorgon's "captital city" on his layer of the Abyss, and that's where I derived the name Lemorian from. Of course, the name "Lemoriax" itself was derived from Lemuria, for exactly the reasons you point out. Like Atlantis or Mu or any number of other mythical pre-civilization civilizations, it's a great source of inspiration.

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