Ed Healy Contributor |
Here are some things I culled from different threads that I thought I'd bring up again:
Once upon a time there were a lot more encounters under Parrot Island, but in order to get the adventure to fit, we had to reorganize the undead into the more free-form format. I for one think this works better, since it encourages the DM to run Parrot Island more dynamically than just as a series of static encounters.
James, are those "lost encounters" still around? If they're in a format that would allow them to be "but and pasted," is there any chance they could find their way into the boards? Having the options would be great.
...there IS something in the works that'll essentially be excerpts from Larissa's notes on the Isle of Dread. It's still a ways off...
How's the "art book" coming? With all the work y'all have on your plates, I imagine it's been put on the back burner. I just thought I'd bring it up and see if there's any new progress...
(Jajirlok) was an NPC encountered in Kraken's Cove originally, but I had to cut him for space.
Jajirlok was a savage blackscale lizardfolk who was imprisoned with the rest of the slaves deep in the caves. He turned savage and managed to escape, and was originally encountered by the PCs in the room with the slaves. It was a pretty cool encounter, but we had to cut it at the last minute since the adventure was a page too long. And the encounter itself didn't really add anything to the mythos of the Savage Tide; losing it didn't rob the adventure of any more background information.
As with the Parrot Island info... any chance Jajirlok could be posted in all his glory?
That's it - for now. I'm sure I'll have more in a few months. (ducks)
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James, are those "lost encounters" still around? If they're in a format that would allow them to be "but and pasted," is there any chance they could find their way into the boards? Having the options would be great.
I believe they are. I'll have to check my files at work on Monday.
How's the "art book" coming? With all the work y'all have on your plates, I imagine it's been put on the back burner. I just thought I'd bring it up and see if there's any new progress...
If you mean the Art of Dragon book... it's at the printer. If you mean the Isle of Dread ecology in the upcoming Dragon... it's ALSO at the printer.
As with the Parrot Island info... any chance Jajirlok could be posted in all his glory?
Again, I've got that guy at work. But it's not much info, though... just a savage creater templated blackscale lizardfolk if I remember. Anyone with Dungeon #140 and MMIII can whip up that statblock.
Ed Healy Contributor |
Rasmar |
I've stated out Jajirlok for those who wish to use him in The Bullywug Gambit.
Male savage blackscale lizardfolk
CE Large monstrous humanoid (reptilian)
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Listen +4, Spot +8
Languages Draconic, Common
AC 18, touch 9, flat-footed 18
hp 34 (4 HD), ferocity; DR 5/magic
Immune disease, exhaustion, fatigue, mind-affecting, stunning, pain
Resist acid 10
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +4
Weakness afflicted
Spd 50 ft.
Melee 2 claws +9 melee (1d6+6) and bite +7 (2d6+3 plus disease (DC 16))
Base Atk +4 Grp +14
Abilities Str 23, Dex 10, Con 18, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 8
SQ death throes, hold breath
Feats Multiattack, Power Attack
Skills Balance +5, Disguise -5, Diplomacy -5, Escape Artist +4, Gather Information -5, Intimidate +3, Jump +14, Swim +12