Ahazu, Where Are You?!

Savage Tide Adventure Path

Okay guys, got a question, my DM is about to start Sea Wyvern's Wake tomorrow and we need to know who in the world Ahazu is, and where his vestige/tooth of dahlver-nar can be found. He wont let me read the mess in the book, due to spoilers, but he wants me to find this stuff out, being that I am a binder in our current group.

Well anyways, anybody got anything on this guy? What the tooth you find is all about? Any help would be wonderful! He tells me that this adventure has many new things that do not direct where their original source is, if any...oh well thanks

Info on him can be found in the Tome of Magic. Earlier info (as I'm aware) can be found in the 2nd edition Book of Artifacts. Further than this is a mystery to me, but I'm sure someone might know.

~ Bryon ~

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Info on the teeth can be found in the Tome of Magic, but information on Ahazu can not. He's a really obscure character, one we chose on purpose due to his obscurity. PCs aren't supposed to know much about him at first. Learning more about him is one of the things that happens naturally as the Savage Tide adventure path progresses.

alrighty well with that said then this is my new question...you see coincidently my character is a Binder and my DM has informed me that we will be finding his tooth or whatever. If this is true is there a way that I would be able to make use of it, or does it have some greater cause that I just haven't been informed of, or what?

If I don't get to make use of it as a Binder then I and, if my character discovers its properties, my character will be royally PO'ed!

But oh well, thanks anyways


Mirado, if all goes well, you'll have a chance to obtain it some time during your visit to the Isle of Dread. When it appears, all of the information with regards to its use will be available and yes, you should be able to actually use it. So, no worries. You shouldn't be getting PO'd any time soon about that.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Keep in mind also that Ahazu might just be too powerful for a lower level binder to bind, and that by saving him till later we're not only saving high level binder stuff for later, but also saving key plot elements for later.

thanks all around, was hoping that one day to make use of it, but odds are my character will be dead before that happens, way too many close calls...lost around 10 PC's already, I mean jeez, Im the only original Character! lol

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