
Shackled City Adventure Path

Has anyone looked at improving this as a weapon to make it even more powerful? I was thinking of making it bypass the DR for monsters/NPC's that are Evil Outsiders. It may not happen straight away, only after a certain ammount of time it has been in the possession of a good character. The PC's with the weapon could aways add to it to make it more powerful.


I'm sure that a lot of people have looked into modifying this weapon in some way. I know there was a version on that dealt with this idea, and I know it has been discussed on this forum quite a bit. If you search the archives for the SCAP, I'm sure you'll see several discussions on the topic. Your current ideas sound decent: have you thought about who is likely to use this item in your party? I know that since many think of this weapon as a arcane tool, they feel it should be modified to be more useful to mages.

I know I have spoken to this topic before many months (or even years?) a go but I intend to have my parties wizard use this item rather than a fighter/monk type. My modifications are fairly simple and suit my party so please don't feel pressured to use them.

My version of Alakast
- Ignores all evil outsiders Spell Resistance
- Glows when within 100 feet of an evil outsider
- Gives a +5 bonus to any save verus an evil outsider ability
- Can cast any cantrip as a standard action
- Gains the ability to improve spells using the Silent Spell or Still Spell feats as if they possessed the ability

Just my take :)


I was thinking about turning it into a Weapon of Legacy. I think somebody posted something about that on the RPGenius site, but it was much more complex than what I have in mind.


Here's my take on Alakast. It's a levelling weapon and uses a replenishing charges system. I wanted both of these features because I wanted an iconic weapon that wouldn't eventually run out of power.

Wielder's Level, powers, Int, Wis, Cha, Communication, Ego, Gp Value

1 Quarterstaff +1,10, 10, 10, Empathy, 5, 2,000
2 Protection from Evil(1 chg), 10, 10, 10, Empathy, 6, 2,300,
3 Know Protections 11, 11, 10, Empathy, 7, 4,500
4 Purify Spell(metamag)(1 chg),11, 11, 11, Empathy, 8, 7,600
5 Demon Resistance +1, 12, 11, 11, Empathy, 9, 9,250
6 Deeper Darkvision(2 charges),12, 12, 11, Empathy, 10, 12,500
7 Magic Circle against Evil(2 charges), 12, 12, 12, Empathy, 12, 13,250
8 Empower Spell (metamagic)(2 charge), 13, 12, 12, Empathy, 13, 24,000
9 Quarterstaff +2, 13, 13, 12, Empathy, 14, 30,125
10 Demon Resistance +2, 13, 13, 13, Speech, 16, 35,250
11 Dimensional Anchor(2 charges), 14, 13,13, Speech,18, 43,800
12 Fortify Spell(metamagic) (1 charge/lvl increase),14,14,13, Speech, 20, 51,600
13 Orb of Force (2 charges), 14, 14, 14, Speech, 22, 61,300
14 Refusal, (2 charges), 15, 14, 14, Speech, 24, 70,750
15 Demon Resistance +3, 15, 15, 14, Speech, 26, 85,000
16 Heighten Spell (metamagic) (1 charge/level increase), 15, 15, 15, Telepathy, 27, 101,000
17 Dispel Magic, Greater (3 charges),16, 15, 15, Telepathy, 29, 121,850
18 Banishment(3 charges), 16, 16, 15, Telepathy, 31, 138,050
19 Maximise Spell (metamagic) (3 charges) 16, 16, 16, Telepathy, 33, 177,750
20 Demon Resistance +4, Push Staff (+5 charges a day), 18, 16, 16, Telepathy, 36, 250,000

Alakast has x charges a day available for use where x = wielder’s level/2 rounded up.

All metamagic feats can only be used against evil outsiders.

Demon Resistance - Against evil outsiders the wielder receives the stated luck bonus to AC and Saves.

If an evil outsider touches Alakast, Alakast can choose to release any amount of remaining charges as positive energy into the evil outsider. This results in damage equal to the number of charges released x 20. Fort save for half, DC equal to Alakast’s current ego score.

Caster Level equal to wielder’s arcane caster level.

Zlorf wrote:


Has anyone looked at improving this as a weapon to make it even more powerful? I was thinking of making it bypass the DR for monsters/NPC's that are Evil Outsiders. It may not happen straight away, only after a certain ammount of time it has been in the possession of a good character. The PC's with the weapon could aways add to it to make it more powerful.


I am doing this and I'm building a Epic adventure around Alakast, which will begin near the end of the SCAP.

Here's the Introduction and description of "Alakast" for my campaign world.


This Epic adventure arc begins at the end of the Shackled City Adventure Path (SCAP). Basically, the last module in that linked set of DUNGEON adventures, Asylum, is the first adventure in hopefully will be a series of Epic adventures, which should take the PCs well beyond 20th level.

The three main antagonists in this adventure arc are Adimarchus, Graz’zt, and Nabthatoron. Adimarchus is the Demon Prince of Madness, and the malign intelligence behind the Cagewright plot, in Cauldron City. Graz’zt is known as the Dark Prince, and is one of the most powerful demon lords of the Abyss. Of course, Graz’zt and Adimarchus are old enemies, and it was Graz’zt that imprisoned Adimarchus in Carceri.

The third villain of the story, Nabthatoron, is known as the Lord of the Demonskar, in the SCAP, and is more of bit player in the adventure path, as written. However, in my campaign, I’ve made him a deposed demon lord that was exiled from the Abyss after trying to overthrow Graz’zt. He tried, unsuccessfully, to try to barter with the PCs for the magical staff known as Alakast.

It is that magical staff (and the events of the module Asylum) that starts everything into motion. Alakast is only supposed to be a +1 bane vs. evil outsiders quarterstaff, but I’ve decided to make it a much more powerful item with a history that goes back beyond the founding of Redgorge and Cauldron City. Alakast was indeed wielded by Surabar Spellmason, given to him by the angel named Nidrama.

However, the weapon’s history is much older than even Surabar knew. He believed that Nidrama had the staff made for specifically for him, but the movanic deva never actually told him the weapon’s true history. The staff is as old as the Divinity War (over a 1,000 years ago) and is greatly sought by demons and devils, alike. Most of the demons wish to possess it so they can destroy it, while the devils have other goals.

For in my campaign, “Alakast” is actually an intelligent +3 bane vs. evil outsiders axiomatic quarterstaff of defending. The staff has a permanent version of Nystul’s magic aura (Will save, DC 33, to correctly identify the item) cast on it, as if cast by a 20th-level wizard with an Intelligence of 29 and the Spell Focus (Illusion) feat. The aura makes the quarterstaff appear as +1 bane vs. evil outsiders quarterstaff, only and the Will save is higher than normal due to the fact that the weapon can add its Bluff score to the Nystul’s magic aura spell’s DC (see sidebar). The weapon’s full, proper name is Alakastron; named after an angel that died during the Divinity War [Knowledge (religion) or Knowledge (the planes) check, DC 30].

Alakastron, Soul of the Angel of Mysteries: +3 bane vs. evil outsiders axiomatic quarterstaff of defending; AL LG; Int 15, Wis 10, Cha 15; Speech, telepathy with wielder, 60 ft. darkvision and hearing; Ego score 20.
Languages: Axiomatic, Common, and Celestial.
Lesser Powers: Detect magic at will, Nystul’s magic aura continually active, item has 10 ranks in Bluff (total modifier +12). Alakastron can add it’s Bluff modifier to the DC of the permanent Nystul’s magic aura cast on it.
Special Purpose: Defeat/slay demons.
Dedicated Power: 15d6 greater shout 3/day.
Personality: To be determined.
Strong Evocation; CL 20th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, detect magic, greater shout, Nystul’s magic aura; Price 171,900 gp.

Note: It was Adimarchus (a fallen angel) who was called into service by Hiisi, Lord of Darkness, to lead the demonic armies of the Pantheon of Swords onto Celestia, at the end of the Divinity War. Hiisi is a Finnish deity and an Old God that founded the Sword Gods. Alakastron was an Angel of Magic and Mysteries in the service of the North Gods who wielded the quarterstaff during that final battle against the demons (and other minions) of the Sword Gods, on the shores of Lunia.

You can see why powerful devils would want it and why the various demon lords don’t want the weapon to fall into enemy hands, demon, devil, or celestial. Nabthatoron is obsessed with Alakastron, believing it will pave his way back into the Abyss. (Nabthatoron is one of the only characters in the campaign that knows what “Alakast” truly is.) However, he cannot physically take the weapon from whoever owns it, which is one of the weapons unique powers.

For in fact, it is impossible for any evil outsider to steal the weapon. It must be given up, willingly. However, this doesn’t mean that a demon or a devil can’t pay a non-outsider to steal Alakastron for them, from the PCs. It just has to be someone the fiend can trust, and that’s never easy to find in the Multiverse. Nabthatoron has already begun to try to scheme a way to get the quarterstaff away from the Order of the Silver Hand (the PCs).

Adimarchus and Graz’zt have no idea that Alakastron has been uncovered. Both have heard the name “Alakast” before, as a weapon with that name always appear every 100 years or so, but it turns out to be a fake or lesser known weapon. Neither of them is aware of this new “Alakast” yet, but once the PCs start to become thorns in their sides they’ll become aware of the powerful quarterstaff and seek to claim it. Graz’zt would likely keep the weapon hidden away, for his own twisted purposes. What Adimarchus would do with it is too horrible to consider.

To make matters worse, if any of the archdevils of the Nine Hells learn that Alakastron has been found then the PCs will find themselves beset by powerful devils, trying to tempt their souls towards damnation. The archdevils won’t send droves of assassin devils at the PCs, as they don’t wish to raise the ire of the celestials of the Seven Heavens. (Other powerful outsiders such as the slaadi and the yugoloths might become involved as well.)

The weapon is sacred to the angels and archons of the Seven Heavens and they will watch carefully how the PCs use Alakastron. If the Hierarchy of Angels feel it is being misused then they will send Nidrama to demand that the PCs return the quarterstaff to the Tower of Alakastron on the shores of Lunia, in Celestia. The movanic deva will not force the PCs to give the quarterstaff up, and won’t take the weapon, if offered it outright. Nidrama will tell the PCs that they have to take it to Celestia, by themselves.

delvesdeep wrote:

I know I have spoken to this topic before many months (or even years?) a go but I intend to have my parties wizard use this item rather than a fighter/monk type. My modifications are fairly simple and suit my party so please don't feel pressured to use them.

My version of Alakast
- Ignores all evil outsiders Spell Resistance
- Glows when within 100 feet of an evil outsider
- Gives a +5 bonus to any save verus an evil outsider ability
- Can cast any cantrip as a standard action
- Gains the ability to improve spells using the Silent Spell or Still Spell feats as if they possessed the ability

Just my take :)


I've always had a problem with the 'glows when hated enemy is nearby' ability on magic weapons. Maybe some weapons might want to attract the attention of the favored enemy (it's easier to track them down when they can see you coming), but why not allow some variations of the glowing ability? How about the weapon chills the user's hands when the enemy is close? Or vibrates, or mentally nudges, or whatever? I found Sting to be the stupidest concept in Lord of the Rings. As Bilbo says, when orcs are near, that's when you have to be extra careful. So why shine a beacon letting them know you're there?

Anyway, I'd like to thank Delvesdeep for providing me with this opportunity to rant off-topic. ;)

Other than the glowing thing, I like this idea and will probably use it. Of course, the party's spellcaster is an 11-year old sorcerer...

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