I did not get issue 350 in the mail yet :(

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Seems like many folks have already gotten theirs, and it is in local Borders stores.


Is it too soon to contact Customer Service?

I don't have mine either, but I'm used to it. In the void between the canadian and american postal systems lies madness.

i picked mine up at the store today. if you can't take the wait go ahead and take a look at a store copy and take notes. ;)

seriously, check out the customer service section of these forums (right at the top). :)

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Neither have I nor a friend of mine. I've gotten the January issue of Dungeon, but not the December issue of Dragon...and I live in the US. :-(

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