Summon Monster article

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Advice on what a summoner should conjure along with stats table of those which cannot be found directly in the MM. And I don't mean choose the octopus when at sea.

It would add depth to the games as I suspect many DM & players are lazy like me. I'll choose the Hellhound over the Fiendish dire weasel(FDW) as I won't apply 2 templates just to figure out whether the FDW is better on some aspect. How about choosing a few lemures instead of the Hellhound, when does it make sense?
What about all the other MOnsters books?

Also it would be neat to see
- is it worth having the Augment Summoning feat tree?
- new magic items or focus to help the summoner e.g. extend the duration.
- rituals or glyph on the ground to boost a spell
- Explanations on when to Gate vs Summon vs Call vs Extraplanar travel
- extended rules allowing Summoner to stretch themselves
(like in many Fantasy novels) and summon/conjure/call a monster with the risk it will turn against you. What Mechanics could be used for that? Maybe it's a feat or COncentration check allowing a caster of Summon Monster N to choose in the N+1 or even N+2 table with a percentage chance of failure every round.
- I could see many web enhancements on this

These summoners have experience, their lives are on the line and they have Int so they should know what to use when.

The Exchange

asteryx wrote:

Advice on what a summoner should conjure along with stats table of those which cannot be found directly in the MM. And I don't mean choose the octopus when at sea.

It would add depth to the games as I suspect many DM & players are lazy like me. I'll choose the Hellhound over the Fiendish dire weasel(FDW) as I won't apply 2 templates just to figure out whether the FDW is better on some aspect. How about choosing a few lemures instead of the Hellhound, when does it make sense?
What about all the other MOnsters books?

Also it would be neat to see
- is it worth having the Augment Summoning feat tree?
- new magic items or focus to help the summoner e.g. extend the duration.
- rituals or glyph on the ground to boost a spell
- Explanations on when to Gate vs Summon vs Call vs Extraplanar travel
- extended rules allowing Summoner to stretch themselves
(like in many Fantasy novels) and summon/conjure/call a monster with the risk it will turn against you. What Mechanics could be used for that? Maybe it's a feat or COncentration check allowing a caster of Summon Monster N to choose in the N+1 or even N+2 table with a percentage chance of failure every round.
- I could see many web enhancements on this

These summoners have experience, their lives are on the line and they have Int so they should know what to use when.

Advice on the former was in an article a few years ago - it may have been 3.0, but I don't think that has a material impact. And it provides principles on what should be summoned at what level by using CR. Sorry not to have the actual Dragon issue on hand (i'm at work) but I'm sure someone could oblige.

Re stats for creatures with added templates, I wouldn't favour that. If a player runs a summoner, it is up to the player to provide his own stats, in my opinion. I don't think Dragon is there to provide stats for those who "can't be arsed" to put in the necessary work. It is a bit of a pain, but the fiendish/celestial templates are pretty simple (it's not normally a lich one is summoning).

However, a "tactics of summoning" article might be good fun, if there is enough mileage in it

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