Dragon 349 and Computer Game Reviews

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

I just subscribed again to Dragon, primarily for the Savage Tidings articles, but figured I would enjoy reading about anything D&D related. As a result I was surprised to see a review of Final Fantasy XII in the magazine since that is not in any way D&D related. Is this a normal feature? Sort of like the old Silicon sorcery, except taking out any sort of use for D&D?

Sean Mahoney

Sean Mahoney wrote:

I just subscribed again to Dragon, primarily for the Savage Tidings articles, but figured I would enjoy reading about anything D&D related. As a result I was surprised to see a review of Final Fantasy XII in the magazine since that is not in any way D&D related. Is this a normal feature? Sort of like the old Silicon sorcery, except taking out any sort of use for D&D?

Sean Mahoney

Hey Sean, folks are talking about this here:

[link="http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/dragon/generalDiscussion/finalFantasyXII"]http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/dragon/generalDiscussion/finalFantasyX II[/link]

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