Dragon #349 and Hitting the Bullseye

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

First I have to say, I can't wait to put this article into use. However, the stats for the Bow, Elvencraft seem to be missing. The discription is exactly what I've been looking for. So, I could be missing something. Help?


Well, off the top of my head (I'm not the author, mind), I'd say add 2 lbs. to a bow's weight. Everything else is explicitly mentioned in the description. The cost adjustment is in the Special Materials, Construction, and Enhancements list.

Liberty's Edge

Yup, that would be the part I over-looked. Thanks again!

Lantern Lodge


Just what i was about to ask... :)

Are they martial or exotic?

I'm still asking myself, after readind the handbow, why should anyone ever take the hand crossbow...


Nazgul wrote:


Just what i was about to ask... :)

Are they martial or exotic?

As far as I can tell, the enhancement does not change whether a bow is martial or exotic. And since you can apply it to any bow, the literal answer to your question is... yes.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

I liked this article, but I had a hard time figuring out who would use a lot of the bows. Many of them required a standard action to use. Considering that your typical archer either 1) uses multishot, or 2) has a decent enough BAB to get multiple attacks per round, I can't see who would use these bows. Am I missing something?

Lantern Lodge

Thanis Kartaleon wrote:
As far as I can tell, the enhancement does not change whether a bow is martial or exotic. And since you can apply it to any bow, the literal answer to your question is... yes.

Hummm... i was under the impression that the elven bow was a weapon and not an enhancement to any bow...if so where's the cost for this enhancement??

No one else noticed the handbow? It has the same damage, critical range, range increment of the hand crossbow. It costs almost 10 times less,is a martial weapon and does not take a move action to load...
I'm i missing something or who will ever take the hand crossbow if the DM allows the handbow?


Paizo Employee Director of Games

Nazgul wrote:
Thanis Kartaleon wrote:
As far as I can tell, the enhancement does not change whether a bow is martial or exotic. And since you can apply it to any bow, the literal answer to your question is... yes.

Hummm... i was under the impression that the elven bow was a weapon and not an enhancement to any bow...if so where's the cost for this enhancement??

No one else noticed the handbow? It has the same damage, critical range, range increment of the hand crossbow. It costs almost 10 times less,is a martial weapon and does not take a move action to load...
I'm i missing something or who will ever take the hand crossbow if the DM allows the handbow?


Hey there all,

The elvencraft feature is an enhancement to the bow itself, just like cold iron or masterwork. It is listed in the special materials, construction and enhancements table on the bottom of page 23. Since this feature is added to a bow, the type of weapon, in regards to proficiency, does not change.

As for the handbow, it is better than hand crossbow, but it uses its own special ammunition that might be a bit harder to find. Also remember that some races gain proficiency with the hand crossbow for free. That said, the handbow is still pretty good and not all weapons are created equal.

Hope that helps

Jason Bulmahn
Managing Editor of Dragon

I caught that too. Hand bow becomes Exotic in my campeghns.
Did any one notise that the 'bone bow' and Great bow are all but Identical, only differences are that the bonebow weighs 2 lb less and costs 50gp more than a composite greatbow, with a 10ft shorter range. I have to wonder if the Bone bow wasnt just padding as it seemed rather redundant to me.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Articles like this (we did a pole-arm one not so long ago) are in part meant to collect all of the "official" weapons of a certain class in one place as a handy reference for D&D players. We sometimes add an item or two, and I don't know off hand the origins of all these items, but some of the similarities are probably due to independent designers thinking of the same sort of thing in different books published at different times. We've been erring on the side of completeness, and haven't trimmed many items. Would people prefer a tighter list?


Here's one vote for the complete lists. I'd rather see everything from all published sources in one place. These are great articles for that simple reason - they get me fully up to speed on everything out there. I can then pick and choose among items if I find them too similar or otherwise undesirable in my campaign.

Add another vote for completeness.

As for the bone bow and greatbow, they have a few more differences:

A bone bow can be used as a martial weapon, but requires a full-round action to fire and at a -4 penalty. All bone bows apply Str bonus to damage. Greatbows have to be made "mighty" like standard composite bows to add Str bonus.

Liberty's Edge

I absolutely vote for completeness.

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