Links to SCAP Blogs or Story Hours?

Shackled City Adventure Path

Hey guys,
Can anyone point me to a link to their blog, story hour, group session write ups of their group's run through the schackled city adventure path.
I'm about to start running the campaign and would love reading others run through it.

We only finished Life's Bazaar before life interfeared, but here is what was actually posted (the last few sessions never made it up there)...

Shackled Sundabar

Sean Mahoney

My player has gotten really far behind as we're about to finish "Secrets of the Soul Pillars." Still fun to see it though.

Shackled City Campaign

Okay, I don't know how to do funky linky things like the rest of you, but one of my players is posting our SCAP adventure logs at
I'm not sure if he's posted anything in the last few weeks, but I know the first seven or eight sessions are up.


Thank you, o great god of the boards!

Yours in humility,

We're about to start Thirteen Cages and have player logs for almost every session, but it's all in dutch.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

If you speak German, my campaign uses a wiki at, describing their expoits in the "Chronologie" articles.

Legendary Games, Necromancer Games

Here are a few.

Here is the "Clark's SCAP" thread from our Story form on the Necromancer Games web boards:

Clark's SCAP Story Thread

Here is my "What Clark is learning from his SCAP campaign" thread:

What Clark is Learning from his SCAP campaign

Here is my "thoughts on adventure paths" thread:

Thoughts on Adventure Paths

Clark Peterson
Necromancer Games

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