How are subscription copies shipped?

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

What I mean is, how are they packaged? There are a couple of relevant considerations:

Are they polybagged?
Are they paper wrapped?
Is the mailing label/address affixed to the magazine itself, or on the polybag/wrapper?

Part of this question is motivated by the fact that I like to keep my magazines in good shape, and in the past I've had magazine subscriptions where they got mangled in the mail.

Part of this question is motivated by the fact that I have young children and, as much as I like the content of Dungeon & Dragon magazines, I don't necessarily want my young children seeing some of the cover art when they go with their mom to collect the mail in the afternoons before I get home.


CHeard wrote:
Are they polybagged?


cheard wrote:
Are they paper wrapped?


cheard wrote:
Is the mailing label/address affixed to the magazine itself, or on the polybag/wrapper?

To the polybag.

For the cover art issue, could you have the magazines delivered to an address other than your home? For example, work or a friend's house.


I know, "to each their own" and all that, but...

I've never had a problem with my young kids seeing any of the covers for Dragon or Dungeon. They're 5 1/2 and 4 1/2, for reference.


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