Hezzrack |

Please help! I am running the SCAP from the original DUNGEON magazines; I don't own the book. This is driving me crazy, and maybe the error (if it WAS an error) was corrected in the book. In the magazine, the Jzadirune description contains two "Z" keys and no "A" key. The two "Z" keys are in areas J34 and J52 in DUNGEON's descriptive text. Should one of these be the "A" key? My party has just defeated Kazmojen, and will probably re-enter Jzadirune to make sure there's nothing there they missed. Right now, they possess neither the "Z" nor the "A" key. I'd like to run the unexplored areas the way they were intended. So, should one of these keys be the "A" key, and, if so, which one?