Non-spellcaster Liches?

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

In the Vecna article, there was made mention of liches created from non-spellcasters.
Are they statted up officially anywhere, or does one just riff off of the lich template from the Monster Manual?

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Heathansson wrote:

In the Vecna article, there was made mention of liches created from non-spellcasters.

Are they statted up officially anywhere, or does one just riff off of the lich template from the Monster Manual?

I think a warrior-lich can do without the boost to int, wis and chr, which should lower the CR rating somewhat 2 => 1

Liberty's Edge

On that note , I wonder if it would be out of line to refunnel the negative energy that I assume fuels those increased abilities into Str and/or Dex.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Heathansson wrote:
On that note , I wonder if it would be out of line to refunnel the negative energy that I assume fuels those increased abilities into Str and/or Dex.

mmm, no, you could even trade it for something like weapon finesse (touch) or weapon focus I think.

On second thought, maybe you can trade the int and wis modifiers for str and dex and keep the chr modifier, being undead does wonders for ones personality ;>

And chr is the undeads con score so that fits.

In the Creature Catalog IV in Dragon 339, there is a template called the Animus. They seem to be a bit of a cross between lichs and vampires - could fit the bill.

Liberty's Edge

Yeah, I was thinking about them, but I couldn't remember the name because I'm at work.
I'll also look at the MM template for lich, and see in which direction both sources take me.

It may be a reference to one of my favorites- a Psionic Lich. Not a spellcaster, but still a beast.

Luke Fleeman wrote:
It may be a reference to one of my favorites- a Psionic Lich. Not a spellcaster, but still a beast.

Yeah, but if it's the psionic lich done right (do a search on the Wizards boards), it's an outsider, not undead.

Liberty's Edge

Also, as one who often opts for the fighter class (I MIGHT play a cleric IF noone wants to at all...) I like the idea of having lichdom/phylacterial resurrection possibly available to me...

Scarab Sages

Thanis Kartaleon wrote:
In the Creature Catalog IV in Dragon 339, there is a template called the Animus. They seem to be a bit of a cross between lichs and vampires - could fit the bill.

I'd love to see the Animus template. I know it's alot to ask, but would someone mind sharing the template with pertinent info for me. I'll keep checking back on this thread. Thanks again, all.


Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Isn't there a little blurb in the Vecna article that they have a ritual to create liches that are different from the normal template in that the only benefits they receive are being undead and having a phylactory? I can't remember if those creatures are spellcasters, but that might be one way to do it.

Liberty's Edge

Yeah, that's what I was wondering about. I was just wondering if there was an actual official template for them.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Heathansson wrote:
Yeah, that's what I was wondering about. I was just wondering if there was an actual official template for them.

I doubt it because if there were an official template, it probably would have been referenced. I took the blurb to be a short cut for creating a weak lich that fit with the flavor of vecna. It seems as simple as changing the type and having a phylactory. I can't see giving a CR bump. I suppose the other route for a pseudo-lich would be to apply the corpse creature template (was in BoVD, I think it was updated for 3.5 in the undead book) and just give it a phylactory.

Liberty's Edge

Sebastian wrote:

I doubt it because if there were an official template, it probably would have been referenced. I took the blurb to be a short cut for creating a weak lich that fit with the flavor of vecna. It seems as simple as changing the type and having a phylactory. I can't see giving a CR bump. I suppose the other route for a pseudo-lich would be to apply the corpse creature template (was in BoVD, I think it was updated for 3.5 in the undead book) and just give it a phylactory.

That's logical.

The reason I like the phylactery is because the scumbag can keep coming back again and again. Great plot device. It's the same as the revanent, but the revanent is harder to write something for because it's return is based on a vengeance quest, and that's difficult to write into a generic adventure.
Why do the p.c.'s care if the revanent wants to kill some n.p.c.? You have to almost have the p.c.'s kill somebody who comes back as a revanent for it to work.


{I doubt it because if there were an official template, it probably would have been referenced.}

Exactly. I made it up.

{I took the blurb to be a short cut for creating a weak lich that fit with the flavor of vecna. It seems as simple as changing the type and having a phylactory.}


{The reason I like the phylactery is because the scumbag can keep coming back again and again. Great plot device.}

Exactly. :)

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