Snowie |

I plan on playing a whisper gnome rogue(TWF route) in SC using 25 point buy. Am I going to beable to survive?
Whisper Gnomes are very neat, first off. With a 25 point buy I would think that you stand a good chance of doing so. It's all about how you handle yourself in a game as to weither you will survive or not. Bad situations at any level can get you killed.
Its a neat idea though, let me know how it goes.

jumpet |
I plan on playing a whisper gnome rogue(TWF route) in SC using 25 point buy. Am I going to beable to survive?
Short answer No. You should expect every PC to die at some time and be raised from the dead. A better question is the concept viable or fun? I'd say 'why not?'. It'll take a bit of skill. The 25 point buy is challenging though, you may struggle for a while getting this build up and running.

Clint Freeman |

I plan on playing a whisper gnome rogue(TWF route) in SC using 25 point buy. Am I going to beable to survive?
Hmm... as said already, it depends on how well you play the character. It is quite likely that everyone could die once, as many situations are presented with a save or die type effect.
I had to look up Whisper Gnome, and I see with that much stealth, you could have a chance to survive it all, but you should realize sometimes you have to run.

Oath |

I plan on playing a whisper gnome rogue(TWF route) in SC using 25 point buy. Am I going to be able to survive?
Yee gods, at least you aren't being saddled with the "Heroic Stat Distribution"
As for surviving, it is up to the skill of the player and the whims of the DM ... and the dice. We had a 39 AC Monk get taken down my a DMs publicly-rolled triple crit with a scythe once. That is a lot of crittage :)