Greyhawk 3.5e Knowledge Checks

Savage Tide Adventure Path

It'll still be many, many months before I'm ready to run Savage Tides (my group is just starting Prince of Redhand in Age of Worms), but I've started to gather things for the coming campaign. I plan to run Savage Tides in Greyhawk and all the Living Greyhawk documents are a great starting place for a 3.5e version of a Greyhawk campaign.

My question is this: Does anyone know of any Knowledge check tables for Greyhawk similar to the "What do you know?" sidebars in the Player's Guide to Eberron?

My group is much more familiar with 2e Forgotten Realms and I'm running Age of Worms in Eberron. Since they already know next to nothing about Oerth and the World of Greyhawk, they won't have to "fake" what they do and don't know. But it would be handy to have a guide like "Ok, with a DC 10 Knowledge (religion) check... Yes, you are familiar with the evil pantheon of Flan gods."

BTW, the Living Greyhawk Deities 2.0 document on the RPGA website is a great resource for expanded cleric domains for not only the core gods, but all the Greyhawk gods. Stormwrack and Spell Compendium didn't exist at the time that document was created so there's still some tweaking you could do, particularly with the sea gods, but I've found it extremely helpful.


jon wrote:
My question is this: Does anyone know of any Knowledge check tables for Greyhawk similar to the "What do you know?" sidebars in the Player's Guide to Eberron?

Unfortunately, I don't know of them. One of the recent additions to WotC products (and to Dungeon and Dragon magazines) which I most appreciate is the tables to which you refer. However, WotC hasn't published anything for Greyhawk since they started including knowledge tables.

jon wrote:
My question is this: Does anyone know of any Knowledge check tables for Greyhawk similar to the "What do you know?" sidebars in the Player's Guide to Eberron?

Got a spare $4.95? Check this out:

It's 2E, but it's mostly fluff so it should fulfill your player's needs.

Androlphas wrote:

Got a spare $4.95? Check this out:

It's 2E, but it's mostly fluff so it should fulfill your player's needs.

Oh yes, I picked up the various fluffy Greyhawk PDFs including that one, the old boxed set, the Greyhawk Adventures book, The Adventure Begins book and the Scarlet Brotherhood book.

My plan is to compile the data on the various pantheons, countries, power groups, etc. into some Knowledge check tables so that if the players run across, for example, a member of the Scarlet Brotherhood, I have a reference as to how much information they might know about the group.

I was just hoping that maybe some one already had something similar to this that I could use as a starting point. ;)

I really like how Dragon Magazine in the Ecology articles and WotC in the recent books has Knowledge check tables that sound more like rumors and anecdotes and less like reading off a stat block list of resistances, immunities and DR. I'm hoping to bring that same kind of style to my tables.

jon wrote:

I was just hoping that maybe some one already had something similar to this that I could use as a starting point.

Well not that I know of but I would certainly have great use for these in my SCAP game!

That means you should definitely post them once you're finished ... ;)

Talon wrote:
jon wrote:

I was just hoping that maybe some one already had something similar to this that I could use as a starting point.

Well not that I know of but I would certainly have great use for these in my SCAP game!

That means you should definitely post them once you're finished ... ;)

I'll second that request!

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