Wraith template +LA +CR


What CR would a 13th level 2 Ranger/3 Rogue/8 Assasin Wraith be?

Are you just adding class levels onto the basic wraith statblock or are you creating a ranger/rogue/assassin with the wraith's special abilities?

If the first, then just add class levels to the listed CR of 5. If the second, it gets a bit more complicated; say a +2 or +3 CR for a wraith 'template'.

Tequila Sunrise wrote:

Are you just adding class levels onto the basic wraith statblock or are you creating a ranger/rogue/assassin with the wraith's special abilities?

If the first, then just add class levels to the listed CR of 5. If the second, it gets a bit more complicated; say a +2 or +3 CR for a wraith 'template'.

I'm using the wrait template.

The problem with the wraith template (I assume you are talking about the wraith template in Savage Species? ) is that it makes a wraith that has too high a CR for its Hit Dice and abilities. I think you should peg the CR back to +2, which would make your wraith have CR 15.

Phil. L wrote:
The problem with the wraith template (I assume you are talking about the wraith template in Savage Species? ) is that it makes a wraith that has too high a CR for its Hit Dice and abilities. I think you should peg the CR back to +2, which would make your wraith have CR 15.

I just bought savage species and haven't yet looked over the wrait h template from it. (I used the MM template)

with their special abilities I don't quite agree that the CR should be +2 unless I made some tweaks.

punkassjoe wrote:
Phil. L wrote:
The problem with the wraith template (I assume you are talking about the wraith template in Savage Species? ) is that it makes a wraith that has too high a CR for its Hit Dice and abilities. I think you should peg the CR back to +2, which would make your wraith have CR 15.

I just bought savage species and haven't yet looked over the wrait h template from it. (I used the MM template)

with their special abilities I don't quite agree that the CR should be +2 unless I made some tweaks.

Giving wraiths a +2 CR puts them equal to vampires in CR. Unless you give wraith NPCs bonus Hit Dice, wraiths are actually weaker than vampires in combat.

Punkassjoe, Savage Species is a good book overall, but please be aware that it was written for the 3.0 rules. There are some slight differences between 3.0 and 3.5. For example, pixies had 1 racial HD in 3.0, which they don’t in 3.5, and succubi had different stats in 3.0. Another thing is that skill points gained/monster class skills can be different for individual races or monster types, and number of feats gained also changed between 3.0 and 3.5.
These differences shouldn’t stop you enjoying this book- there’s a lot of good material in there- but take care when creating NPCs.

ericthecleric wrote:

Punkassjoe, Savage Species is a good book overall, but please be aware that it was written for the 3.0 rules. There are some slight differences between 3.0 and 3.5. For example, pixies had 1 racial HD in 3.0, which they don’t in 3.5, and succubi had different stats in 3.0. Another thing is that skill points gained/monster class skills can be different for individual races or monster types, and number of feats gained also changed between 3.0 and 3.5.

These differences shouldn’t stop you enjoying this book- there’s a lot of good material in there- but take care when creating NPCs.

Thanks for the warning...(Dammitall I just bought another 3.0 book) Maybe there's a supplemental rules package like there was for Ghostwalk on the Wizards of the Coast website.

punkassjoe wrote:

Thanks for the warning...(Dammitall I just bought another 3.0 book) Maybe there's a supplemental rules package like there was for Ghostwalk on the Wizards of the Coast website.

Unless it's in the Main FAQ, I don't think there is an update for Savage Species.

CallawayR wrote:
punkassjoe wrote:

Thanks for the warning...(Dammitall I just bought another 3.0 book) Maybe there's a supplemental rules package like there was for Ghostwalk on the Wizards of the Coast website.
Unless it's in the Main FAQ, I don't think there is an update for Savage Species.

There isn't, I looked, besides as I've been told on the Wizards of the Coast messageboard, its more like 3.25 than 3.0.

Phil. L wrote:
punkassjoe wrote:
Phil. L wrote:
The problem with the wraith template (I assume you are talking about the wraith template in Savage Species? ) is that it makes a wraith that has too high a CR for its Hit Dice and abilities. I think you should peg the CR back to +2, which would make your wraith have CR 15.

I just bought savage species and haven't yet looked over the wrait h template from it. (I used the MM template)

with their special abilities I don't quite agree that the CR should be +2 unless I made some tweaks.

Giving wraiths a +2 CR puts them equal to vampires in CR. Unless you give wraith NPCs bonus Hit Dice, wraiths are actually weaker than vampires in combat.

They might be weaker in combat, but 1. they're incorporeal. 2. they've still got a touch based constitution drain (Which I think should be the determinant for whether or not a slain foe becomes a wraith in 1d4 rounds or not- as in if reduced to 0 con, the victim becomes a wraith) 3. well, it's move silently is flawless- it always moves silently unless it WANTS to be heard. So maybe the CR is a little high in the template, but I'm not that tempted to lower it, after all it'd only help my players to not do so- I'll just toss it at them at 15th level and see what happens when they fight a CR 18 monster. Fyi, I'm giving the wraiths ghost touch weapons- which if they can use, would allow them to make sneak attacks.

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