airwalkrr |
After the Champions Games, I'm thinking my PCs will need a little breather from the Age of Worms. For one thing, they have suffered three deaths so far in this adventure and could use a little boost to get them back on track. (Note, I use a variant raise dead that costs 2 points of Con instead of level loss so they haven't lost any levels, but letting them get a little more treasure and XP will help shore up the deficiency in hp.) Does anyone have any recommendations for Dungeon adventures to use as side-treks that would fit well between Champions Games and Gathering of Winds? I own all Dungeons back to issue 89 or so, but I was wondering if anyone had any solid choices for a party of 10th or 11th level PCs. I am currently running it in Greyhawk so something adaptable that wouldn't take them too far would be preferable.
Hastur |
And Madness Follows. I've posted about it elsewhere - my group found it pretty easy going so it should work for you too. You can lead the group out of Greyhawk City, and then back again.
Just boost it up somewhat, including letting the Thing from the Lake stay until defeated rather than be sucked back into Carsosa as the portal closes.
VanDeBeast |
And Madness Follows. I've posted about it elsewhere - my group found it pretty easy going so it should work for you too. You can lead the group out of Greyhawk City, and then back again.
Just boost it up somewhat, including letting the Thing from the Lake stay until defeated rather than be sucked back into Carsosa as the portal closes.
Which issue (number or month/year) was that in?
Alternately, does anyone know of an index of the 3.0/3.5 dungeon adventures?
bromleylaerchenheim |
(Note, I use a variant raise dead that costs 2 points of Con instead of level loss so they haven't lost any levels, but letting them get a little more treasure and XP will help shore up the deficiency in hp.)
That brings me to another discussion point: Our cleric just hits 9th level and is now capable of raising dead. I feel that this takes the horror and drama out of character death. Who is afraid if he would be raised anyway?
We play in Eberron, so I ruled that the only clergy that could raise dead are the ones that worship the Keeper. The Keeper is one of the dark six which oposes the six good gods the PCs usually worship.
I do not deny the good priest to pray for a Raise Dead spell but he has to pray to the Keeper and has to argue and convinc e him to release the dead bodys soul. So that is not an impossible task, but it is something similar to let a Christian pray Moslemic: The pries has to act against his core believes and must also perform the rituals in a proper way. That is quiet a roleplaying exercise!
The other way is to bring the dead body to a Keeper temple and - again roleplaying - ask for help.
How are you guys handling this?
Belfur |
I do not play AoW yet, and in my other campaign the players have no cleric (although they are level 10). Additionally I have a house rule which says: whatever kills you (damage, death spell, etc.) the PC goes to -9HP and his allies have 1 round to save him and I am very lenient (no argument please, that is our way, as we play only very seldomly, it is not so frustrating). Even as no PC died yet, they are still afraid of dying (or at least they all act very convincingly).
Additionally death does not lose its threat completely:
1. still it is 5000GP per raise dead; for ninth level characters this is still a big chunk of money
2. one level is still lost
3. death effects (which become available around 9th level) cannot be countered by raise dead, you need resurrection (which is much more expensive (probably more than what the PCs could afford)
4. you still need a body, so dissolving the body in acid, disintegration, swallowing whole etc. cannot be removed by raise dead
So there is still something to be afraid of.
But bargaining for raising could also be fun, might become boring depending on death frequency in your game, though. And how do you decide which PC is raised in the end and who is not? Maybe players of PCs who are not raised feel to be treated with injustice...
Just my thoughts on this topic, hope it helps you to make up your mind.
Ring of Five |
A little later in the course of the campaign, I inserted Goodman Games' "Curse of the Emerald Cobra" between 'Spire of Long Shadows' and 'The Prince of Redhand'. This was done to add a little extra cash flow and to allow a showdown with the Yuan Ti, greatly expanding on the hints in 'Spire' about the denizens of other parts of Kuluth-Mar. With the PCs at 13-15th levels, it was necessary to beef up the adventure, but it proved very enjoyable and allowed the party to pay off their debts to Maanzorian/Tenser, as well as getting a glimpse of portended future AoW events via a magical device they found.
I suppose a Dungeon-based take on that idea might be an enhanced version of 'The Ruins of Rana Mor' from way back in issue #86...also suitably enhanced for characters of the right level.