Greyhawk : Rumor vs. Re-Interpretation


Ive recently thought of writing a GH based novel & figured I should kinda spice it up a bit. Just to tie things tighter together in what is now canon ...
One anecdote goes as follows: Captured by Wastri followers, two copper dwarves from perrenland reveal to their co-prisonners their view of the twin cataclysms.
Out of despair, Slerotin would have turned to Tharizdun (Dark Arcanum...) somehow summoned the Tarasque (the unique COAL Dragon in dwur lore) & conjured it to dig the tunnel, survive that and lead the suel to safety !!!
Captured by bakluni mages, HE would have been encased in some magical seal-stone & brought back north.
This is my view of who is buried in WG4.
Is this too much of a Twist ???

Hmm, remember, this is from the perception of worker Dwarves, who ,obviously, piece together the frail stories that reach them , in the depths of the earth they toil in ...

Anyway, I think Slerotin might actually have turned himself into a vessel for Tharizduns aspect/avatar.
Soon to be overun & encased by a certain Tsojcanth ( ! ) using a certain Daoud artefact ... aided by a certain mad mage (is that possible ???)

thus creating a new secret order (of tsojconth ...?) to guard this foul being , forever in shadow ...

Maybe even accepting the help of a certain Witch to move this entity from that mountainous cave (hellfurnaces ?) to a dedicated shrine & underground complex , in an area no bakluni nor enemy suel would ever think to look ...

The witch merely wanting to study the phenomenon, of course. She would not have the adepts of this sect eliminated, ...

or would she ???


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