Dragon #346 Preview

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Someone on ENWorld has the magazine and is informing what is within. Here's the thread for those interested: http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=167725

I just want to say to the Dragon staff, major kudos to you guys! I love your magazine and eagerly await it in the mail every month. This one has both a Greyhawk and a Forgotten Realms article to please many folks. Though I'm not interested in GH, I can't wait to digest the Impiltur article!

Again, you've done wonders with your Class Acts section. Though, I have to point out, it's going to be harder for you guys if WotC keeps dishing out more new classes. Swordsage, Crusader, and Warblade are coming next and then the Dragonfire Adept after that. Whatever happened to good ol' Prestige Classes?

Great job on the Truenamer section of Class Acts, more support for the optional classes are always good. I like, also, the extra support for the Scout.

I noticed the month after that, Dragon #347 will contain the Princes of Elemental Evil. While that's very promising, any chance we'll see the other side? The Princes of Elemental Good, Ben-Hadar, Chan, Sunnis, and Zaaman Rul?

we'll see? ;)

Dark Archive Contributor

Razz wrote:

Again, you've done wonders with your Class Acts section. Though, I have to point out, it's going to be harder for you guys if WotC keeps dishing out more new classes. Swordsage, Crusader, and Warblade are coming next and then the Dragonfire Adept after that. Whatever happened to good ol' Prestige Classes?

Great job on the Truenamer section of Class Acts, more support for the optional classes are always good. I like, also, the extra support for the Scout.

Thanks Razz. I've been working extra hard to make sure Class Acts remains an excellent department. Of the three sections of Tome of Magic, I especially loved the truename stuff. So when Mark Jackman proposed truenamer lovins, how could I not take him up on it? :) Including support for two non-core standard classes is not something I want to make a habit of, since most people still play only the classes from the Player's Handbook. On the other hand, I also see Class Acts as the place where I can draw readers to some of the neat things appearing in newer books. I'm sure Wizards of the Coast appreciates the free advertising for their non-core books, as well. ;D

Mike McArtor wrote:

Thanks Razz. I've been working extra hard to make sure Class Acts remains an excellent department. Of the three sections of Tome of Magic, I especially loved the truename stuff. So when Mark Jackman proposed truenamer lovins, how could I not take him up on it? :) Including support for two non-core standard classes is not something I want to make a habit of, since most people still play only the classes from the Player's Handbook. On the other hand, I also see Class Acts as the place where I can draw readers to some of the neat things appearing in newer books. I'm sure Wizards of the Coast appreciates the free advertising for their non-core books, as well. ;D

I'm sure they do. It's best community-wise too. Most people I am sure play the PHB only classes because they have yet to give the others a try or still don't know much about them. Class Acts is indeed a good way to get them enlightened or even interested in them.

Besides, I think the PHB classes have more than enough ammunition, it's time for the rookies to have a go at it! :D

BOZ wrote:
we'll see? ;)

I take it a certain query was sent in? Heh.

How'd your yugoloth query go btw?

i don't have much to say on either. :)

(interpret that as you wish!)

BOZ wrote:

i don't have much to say on either. :)

(interpret that as you wish!)

Ever so mysterious BOZ. :D

Mike McArtor wrote:

Thanks Razz. I've been working extra hard to make sure Class Acts remains an excellent department. Of the three sections of Tome of Magic, I especially loved the truename stuff. So when Mark Jackman proposed truenamer lovins, how could I not take him up on it? :)

Glad you liked the article, Mike. I just can't wait to get my hands on a copy to see it in print.

Razz wrote:
I noticed the month after that, Dragon #347 will contain the Princes of Elemental Evil. While that's very promising, any chance we'll see the other side? The Princes of Elemental Good, Ben-Hadar, Chan, Sunnis, and Zaaman Rul?

i still can't confirm that. ;)

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