Dragon #337

Customer Service

I have not yet received my copy of Dragon #337. I keep hoping that it'll turn up in my box tomorrow, but it's been 16 days since it shipped (according to the website).

I'm not sure what you good folks at Paizo can do, but I'm just posting this in the hope that it gets things rolling.

Should I contact my local post office?


I just got mine two days ago. I'd say, wait another week, because the Post Office is very inconsistent. Some people get it days after shipping, with others it trundles in almost a month later. It's crazy....no wonder the Post Office is going belly up.

Generally, my issue gets here within the first two weeks of any month -- I kind of settled on the 11th as a rule of thumb.

And the PO is going belly up? How can it go belly up? It's a gummint monopoly!

Whiner Knight, did you get yours yet? Mine was generally arriving in the first two weeks of the month as well, and this month I've yet to see it. (And I keep checking the mailbox with such anticipation every day!)

Dragon #337 arrived on the day I expected it in Hungary.

I generally get mine 2 weeks after they "shit it". However this month it has taken at least 20 days. I emailed Paizo about it and I got a message baout it depending on which post office and the like, which I don't really beleive. I can get letters from people in Texas in 5 days, but my Dragon and Dungeon magazines take 2-3 weeks. I live in the Detroit Area, and none of my other magazines are ever delayed. Personally I think they mail it out alphabetically and it takes them a few extra weeks to get to the end of the alphabet where I am at.

I only get annoyed when I find it at the gaming store before I get it and right now I am annoyed.

Jason Yanity wrote:

I generally get mine 2 weeks after they "s#@@ it". However this month it has taken at least 20 days. I emailed Paizo about it and I got a message baout it depending on which post office and the like, which I don't really beleive. I can get letters from people in Texas in 5 days, but my Dragon and Dungeon magazines take 2-3 weeks. I live in the Detroit Area, and none of my other magazines are ever delayed. Personally I think they mail it out alphabetically and it takes them a few extra weeks to get to the end of the alphabet where I am at.

I only get annoyed when I find it at the gaming store before I get it and right now I am annoyed.

Magazines are shipped by a magazine rate, not as first class mail. They certainly are NOT shipping it alphabetically, as I also wait a long time.... last name in the Ds.

I also tend to get annoyed when the stores get it first, but my husband and I normally get our issue the weekend before the "official" newsstand date.

- Ashavan

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Koldoon wrote:
Magazines are shipped by a magazine rate, not as first class mail. They certainly are NOT shipping it alphabetically...

This is correct - it's a mailing class called "Periodicals" (which used to be called "second-class"). All issues ship from our printer at the same time (and the Post Office requires that they be sorted by destination, not by name.)


I just had my issue of Dragon 337 in the mail today, so my subscription works. (sings: Oh, what a day :-))
It has been three weeks exactly from the shipping date given on the homepage, so if that sets the measure for shipping, Dungeon 129 should be here on 11/8/05.
I should mention that I live in germany, I think.

Thanks to everyone involved,


Stebehil wrote:

I just had my issue of Dragon 337 in the mail today, so my subscription works. (sings: Oh, what a day :-))

It has been three weeks exactly from the shipping date given on the homepage, so if that sets the measure for shipping, Dungeon 129 should be here on 11/8/05.
I should mention that I live in germany, I think.

Thanks to everyone involved,


I got it the same day as you. but I live here in the US. Oh well. Not much I can do about it I guess...

I have to say that as of today (28) I still haven't gotten
my copy. Issues generally get here by the 20th, at what point
should we consider it not coming?

Anyone else not get theirs yet?

received mine yesterday, though I think over three weeks for a magazine seems excessive--especially since there seem to be a lot of people having the same problem.

Darkwolf445 wrote:
received mine yesterday, though I think over three weeks for a magazine seems excessive--especially since there seem to be a lot of people having the same problem.

I received my copy of Dungeon the day after I received my copy of Dragon...

well it is nov 1 and i still have not gotten mine yet.

And, you know, it's kinda funny (not in a hah-hah way) that one of my players, who lives one county away, received his copy over two weeks before I did. Explain that one. This is California, not the Moon. I can't wait to see how long Dungeon takes, seeing as it was sent on the 18th. Today is now 14 days and counting. Is there anyone out there who has a general theory on how long delivery should take? I know it is not first class, but I am not sure how long, roughly, it should take.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Darkwolf445 wrote:
And, you know, it's kinda funny (not in a hah-hah way) that one of my players, who lives one county away, received his copy over two weeks before I did. Explain that one.

I've explained it dozens of times on these boards - it comes down to *local* delivery. As in the individual carrier route. You can even be served by the same post office, and experience drastically different delivery times. But I promise you - all subscriber copies ship at the same time. If there's anybody who doubts this, spend some time looking into postal regulations for periodicals mailing. You'll learn that we *have* to ship everything simultaneously.

Darkwolf445 wrote:
Today is now 14 days and counting. Is there anyone out there who has a general theory on how long delivery should take? I know it is not first class, but I am not sure how long, roughly, it should take.

Our experience is that most US subscribers get their issues within two weeks of them being sent out. Some regularly take longer. By the time you've received a few issues, you'll have an idea of what your particular situation is likely to be most of the time.

If it's been two weeks, and you contact customer service, we'll send another copy out. If you're a new subscriber, though, we'd really prefer you wait a few extra days, because in our experience, just when you've written it off, it's going to arrive.

And if you do find that your issues regularly arrive late, there are some things you can do. You can talk to the post office (which is unlikely to help), or you can have your issues sent to another address - ideally one on a different carrier route, or, preferably, served by a different local post office entirely.


It is now November and I have still not received my #337.

What should I do next?



Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

cthulhubryan wrote:

It is now November and I have still not received my #337.

What should I do next?



Drop a note to customer.service@paizo.com.


Vilaad ExLibris wrote:

I have to say that as of today (28) I still haven't gotten
my copy. Issues generally get here by the 20th, at what point
should we consider it not coming?

Anyone else not get theirs yet?

Well, Nov 2... #337 did finally arrive today.

But it does seem odd that so many here have the same
excessive delay on their copies...

The U.S. post office is to blame, not the folks at paizo. I recieve my copy over here in germany earlier than some U.S. residents. It would make absolutely no sense for the publisher to ship the issues on different dates. German postal service works quite reliable and rather fast, it seems.

btw: I appreciate the short notices on european shipping dates given here, please keep it up. And absolutely keep up the padded envelope, should the question arise. I would rather pay more for getting my issue whole than getting a mangled issue for less.


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