Ecology of...Index

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Does an Ecology of Index exist? Either in print or online? I find myself searching for monster ecologies for hours and with mixed results. Today I've been looking for a Bulette ecology I'm sure exists...and I've not found it yet.


Dragon 74


Wes posted a list HERE. That list is up through issue 336.

Zherog wrote:
Wes posted a list HERE. That list is up through issue 336.

Thanks to both of you for helping me out, they really ought to put that list, and others of it's kind, in some sort of FAQ.

Using my Dragon CD-ROM, I tracked down that issue with the Bulette and was woefully disappointed with it. That's one monster that seriously needs a new ecology. I did get a kick out of the picture though. It has evolved for the better!


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