Heir of Khyber Prestige Class


Dark Archive

I've just finished creating a new prestige class for the Eberron world. I know lots of people don't play it, but I'd still like some feedback on how I have constructed it.
If you'd like to see my alternative to the Heir of Siberys prestige class, write down your email and I'll send it over.

Here's a preview at the background of the prestige class:
“You may call me what you like, but the truth is that I have more understanding of how the world works than any of those pompous fools in their Dragonmarked Houses.”
- The Restful Eye, an heir of Khyber currently in hiding

The great progenitor dragons, Siberys, Eberron and Khyber, have influenced the world for eons. The Heirs of Siberys, creatures of the dragon-marked races, receive greater versions of their family marks. Khyber, although defeated by his brother Eberron, managed to defeat his sister Siberys and spread her corpse across the sky. Now entombed thanks to Eberron, Khyber’s influence mimics that of his sister. Whether he gained some of her power in her defeat, or whether it was something all the progenitor dragons share, Khyber has been able to also create his own Heirs.

Aberrant dragonmarks were the first step, but due to the War of the Mark, almost all of these disappeared leaving only the families with ties to Siberys remaining. Recently however, it has come to the attention of the Dragons of Argonnesson, and they have realized that the war was unable to eradicate all of these strange and oddly chaotic forms of the dragonmarks.

Those that have ties to the Dragonmarked races, and even those that don’t, have found that they are susceptible to generating these ‘Aberrant Marks’. There are some, so the rumors go, that those with extremely strong ties to the marks of the past, have formed aberrant versions of the Siberys marks, and that they challenge, and in some cases overpower the powers they have derived from. Those that manifest such a mark have been referred to as Heirs of Khyber. How this might affect the Draconic Prophecy is known only to the Dragons themselves."

So tell me what you think, post your email and I'd also like feedback on a new feat I've made too that capture the feeling of the chaotic nature of an heir of Khyber, 'Chaotic Spells/Powers'.

In being the Eberron fanboy that I am, I would love to see what you have. I would also like permission to use it in my game if it's cool :)


Dark Archive

sure. It's on its way.

Valmoth Galvador wrote:
I've just finished creating a new prestige class for the Eberron world. I know lots of people don't play it,


I think you are in for a surprise. Eberron kicks ass, and lots of people play it.

I though Eberron was the girl and the other two were the boys?

Dark Archive

Psyicman wrote:
I though Eberron was the girl and the other two were the boys?

That's why I wanted feedback, I don't have my facts straight. All done without consulting Eberron backstory.

hey, can you re-send that e-mail? I cleaned out my bulk folder and didn't notice it until it was just about to disappear. :(

I'd love to see it too...sounds like a really awesome concept.

Hit me up at flameofnight(at)gmail.com, if you would please.

Dark Archive

okay, I've sent it out again. Haven't changed anything. I'll get around to it later. Padan, you should get a copy too now.

Dark Archive

Been doing a bit of work and the file is now available at:

It's been linked to one of my posts.

The class itself seems decent enough. I like the flavor of it, and the options are pretty nice. I'd probably wind up playing it as a "cool thing" rather than a "central theme", but you have to admit, Reverse Gravity twice per day is a pretty awesome cool thing. I can't see much reason for an arcane spellcaster to not take levels in the class, what with it giving all good saves, better hit dice than their original class, same skill selection, and good base attack (the better to blow things up with Scorching Ray). I suppose that the one level of spellcasting progression sort of stings, but not quite enough (in my mind) to outweight the better baseline mechanics and the addition of class features. Heck, if I was a rogue or bard in an Undead Heavy campaign, I'd eat the loss of class abilities and skills to get Sunbeam twice per day, and call it a favorable bargain.

The feat, though, makes me say "What the crap?!?"

Let me see if I'm understanding this feat correctly... Let's say that Frederick d'Sivis, a Gnomish Sorcerer 12/Heir of Khyber 1 with 16 ranks in spellcraft is wandering through Sharn and casts Glitterdust at a group of school-children. He rolls a ten on his spellcraft check, for a result of 27 The DC to beat is 17, so his next roll is at d20+10. In accordance with the law of averages, his next roll is 11, for a total of 21. Being kind of a jerk, he chooses result number ten (Target ages 2d20 years), and rolls a 20 and a 1, which results in a bunch of prematurely (if temporarily) blind middle-aged humans in uncomfortably small clothing.

Assuming I've interpreted the feat correctly, I have two questions:
1) Can I play in one of your games, and have that feat? ;P
2) By "Any Save DCs +15" you mean on that spell only, correct?

would love to see it


I had a similar idea, but my system was slightly different.
I took the spell-like abilities of Aberrent Dragonmark and turned them into 'trees' like the normal 'mark system, but with higher powered spells, and had the bearers drain either Wisdom or Con to access top powers. (1 drain of Wis per mark per mark (-1 for aberrent, -2 for 'lesser Khyber mark'aka twisted, -3 for 'greater Khyber mark' aka warped, and -4 for 'Siberys Khyber mark' aka Abomination, for a total of -10 Wis or -2 Con per mark)
For example, I had Burning Hands-Fireball-Inferno-Follow The Flame (Rokugan, you control all fire spells that pass within 100' of you, can change targets, direction, and various other characteristics)

Dark Archive

Okay toymaker, good questions that get me to defend my creation! Love it!

1) Can I play in one of your games, and have that feat? ;P
Only if you live in Australia, Victoria near the peninsula.
Always happy to have new players, and I need a person for my AoW group to stop having a DMPC! (Worst idea ever!)

2) By "Any Save DCs +15" you mean on that spell only, correct?
Indeed I do.

3) Frederick d'Sivis, a Gnomish Sorcerer 12/Heir of Khyber 1.
If he is willing to do this, he would need to roll a second time. 1d20 + the difference from the previous roll (10).
This means that Frederick would get anywhere from 11 through to his own choice on the chaos magic table.

Thanks for the feedback, it has made me reconsider my wording for the feat.
And I've sent Manos the file now too. It's my 1.1 version. Just changes the wording a bit thanks to you guys.

Dark Archive

Changed the rule for the feat, so the new 1.2 version is available at:

So go ahead and download the new version! Those that have already recieved an older version, feel free to replace it!

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