Errata for Dragon Magazine #343

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

I just recently picked up issue #343. I was wondering if an errata fix for the Malfera entry in the new Creature Catalog was posted. The Malfera skills paragraph is an erroneous copy from the the Nuckalavee skills paragraph.

On a side note, why is the Nuckalavee suddenly aquatic?

NPC Dave wrote:
On a side note, why is the Nuckalavee suddenly aquatic?

I'm guessing it's based on the nuchlavis , an aquatic fey from Wizards' retired Monster Mayhem column.

Since we're on the subject of errata, is the tome dragon's touch AC values at juvenile and ancient ages accurate? Instead of it being 11 throughout those age categories inclusive it suddenly jumpes to 12 for those two.

On a side note, why is the Nuckalavee suddenly aquatic?

my guess is because in the folklore from which they are derived they are indeed aquatic, thier first game appearence in the D&D Masters set lists them as amphibius; the D&D rules cyclopedia lists them as amphibious with a terrian of lakes, coastal, and ruins;the 2e mystara monstrous compendium lists them as amphibious, and thier climate/terrian entry lists as temperate to subarctic coastal waters/ruins. (as can be seen there is nothing new or sudden about the Nuckalavee being aquatic).

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