Demons and Golems

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Can anyone help me figure out What spells could be used to summon monsters that belong to the Demons? I would like to summon Pazuzu's Anzu (Mag #329) and Baphomet's Ankshar (Mag #341) but not sure if it is possible or what level spell would allow it to work. I would also like suggestions as to how to figure it out for other demon monsters.
Also, With the help of the book Savage Species Can you use the Incarante Construct Template on the Golems from Magazine #341? At least I think the template is Incarnate Construct.. it is that or Golem...

The various Planar Binding spells from the PHB are probably your best bet. Of course, you could always use Gate if you were a high enough level.

Liberty's Edge

The Babou (VII), Vrock (VIII), Bebilith (IX) and Hezrou (IX) all appear on the Summon Monster list. The dretch (III) and Howler (IV) also appear.

Any other demon is worth comparing to those. Remember that CR isn't the only thing to consider - spell-like abilities count as well. Still, by comparing any creature to the existing monsters, you can decide if it is comprable or better. Once they exceed summon IX, they most definitly belong with planar binding...

You can apply Incarnate Construct to any golem, as far as I'm aware.

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