Need help to make this encounter trully memorable-spoillers

Shackled City Adventure Path

Hello all. I’m currently running my players through the SCAP and am seeking the advice of the various GM’s who frequent this site, I lurk here often and have found that a great many of you have much knowledge and are very meticulous and concise in your answers. Having said that, I thank all of you for any help, in advance….
Sitting at computer, incense burning; begins to chant, rolling various dice, ’Uber GM’s here my call…’
Spoiler Alert players stop here
The set-up
Party consists of: Vadania Liadon Elven Ranger L2
Fae Human Monk L2
Aurora half Elf Bard L2
Galthas Steele Human Paliden L2
Dirkta Dwarven Fighter L2
NPC Keygan Ghelve-Talked into coming with the party by Galthas to atone for his part in the disappearance of so many citizens.

The party had made short work of the hobgoblins in M22 guarding the double doors to Kazmojen’s lair, but not before the iron bar was slid across, reinforcing the door. Players noticed door to M26 ajar and visibly move slightly. Vadania goes to check it out, with the Fae hidden in shadows close behind.
Galthas decides to try battering down the double doors with one of his heavy boots. Chances are slim, but I don’t like saying ‘you can’t do that’, so with the door reinforced as it is, plus the iron bar that the PC is unaware of, I tell him only a 20 on d20 is going to do it. Galthas rolls a 20, there’s much excitement, and arms shoot into the air in victory! I describe the room, its content and the people in it and we leave our adventurers here, to be continued next session.

From the other side: Kazmojen and Pyllrak are negotiating over the sale, most of it is complete. Kazmojen isn’t happy; Pyllrak has dropped the price he is willing to pay, from what was originally negotiated. His reasoning is that he has been forced to wait for days while Kazmojen’s people filled his order, he should already be on his way back, time is money, and next time Kazmojen should deliver on time. Upset with the situation, but unwilling to push things (Pyllrak is an emissary for something bigger) Kazmojen has agreed. *Sounds of combat in the next room* ‘Crolecks!’(Up till now PC’s have remained undetected) Through the eye hole obvious trouble the guards put the bar in place. Kazmojen tells them to deal with the intruders. Guards leave to m27.
WHAM! One heavy kick and the hinges on the doors give way, the doors drop to the ground sending dust into the air as splinters and shards of wood enter the hall. Standing in the center of the door a holy warrior of one god or another, surrounded by a ghostly light (Nimbus of light) clad in scale mail, greatsword in hand. Beside him a Dwarven hero, obviously wounded, his skin a sickly white color (although heavily wounded from previous battles, Dirkta refuses healing, saying magic’s for wimps!) Behind them several other adventurers can be seen moving about.
Kazmojen’s day is going from bad to worse, but maybe some of it could still be salvaged.

What I need
What I really need from you guys is something really cool for Kazmojen to say. He knows that if things go sour prickles call will bring help quickly. He’s already having a bad day and could either bargain with the party or attempt to capture them. Alternately killing them might make him feel better. There’s been talk that the paladin’s nimbus of light should evoke fear, I don’t really know.

What I do know is that if it gets ugly I’ve got a potential party killer on my hands, with the number of hobgoblins that prickles howl will bring.

I’ve got an escalating % chance for Fario and Fellian to arrive starting at round 8; they’ve been tailing the party. They will arrive invisible and buffed they will only act if it looks like their actions have a chance of swaying things, but I don’t want the players to feel robbed by Npc’s coming to the rescue.

So? Thoughts, opinions, fire away. We play once a month (scheduling issues, family, etc.) and I really want this to be a memorable encounter. Please help.

…Comes out of trance like state, wondering where he is…

Well, there's always "Wait your turn! I've already got a customer," then wait and see what they do.

The party's kind of hosed, it sounds like; they went from one tough fight into another, tougher one, and Kazmogen doesn't have any motivation to not kill them all, particularly with one of his more wealthy buyers right there watching to see how good a job he does defending his business. So, the party will either need some serious bacon-saving, or they'll need to run like bunnies.

Oh, and... "although heavily wounded from previous battles, Dirkta refuses healing, saying magic’s for wimps!" ... this will end well...

Liberty's Edge

I actually just played this encounter our last night with my second group of characters going through this AP. While I can't give alot of advice on a clever line(my PC's weren't very interested in chatting with Kaz and initiated combat quickly rather then listen to what he had to say) they did take great amusement in the idea of him calling out 'Prickles!' when his pet fell. At least until they realized what it felt like for him to focus his attacks on just the one who brought down the howler.

If you get the chance though, I would try and make Kazmogen talk to the PC's rather then having him rush headfirst into combat against them. Perhaps using them as bargaining chips since he obviously doesn't see them as threats. If phyrllak is trying to skimp on paying Kaz then the entrance of a new group would be an excellent time for him to gesture towards them and imply they are another interested party. He could simply make them an offered price that is above what Phyrlak was going to give and see if they are willing to meet it. If they are then this could easily lead to them trying to purchase the rest of the children as well. If not, then you have your fight. The hardcover version of the book has some ideas about how you can play Vhalhaltrus appearance if Kaz is still alive.

As for Fario and Fellian I gave alot of thought about bringing them in, as sort of a reserve for the party because its a small group(just 4). In the end they ended up doing very well against Kaz on their own, one of the previous prisoners had hinted about what he was(some troll thing) so they came in prepared, the cleric with an extended produce flame and their wizard with several burning hands and orbs of acid.

Still, wanting to introduce the striders but not wanting to steal away the glory the players clearly deserved I had the two half elves handle the majority of the hobgoblins that would have overturned the fight against the PC's and let the characters empty out the room which already was tough enough. Introducing the two this way helped me show their personalities(they walked into the room teasing each other about who had made the best shot) and let me help make the PC's feel like heroes when they paused in the doorway and seeing the carnage within remarked 'Oh. Looks like you have it handled in here.'

Hope some of this rambling helped

*Secret DM mojo trick to have Fario and Felian 'help' the party without having to 'save' them*

In the process of tailing the group, you could presume that they "lost" the party in the Fortress and then have them be discovered by the residents of the fortress (Prickles could smell them, perhaps)...

The party will:
1. Be warned of hostiles ahead by the commotion;
2. Kazmojen will be distracted by an alternate target;
3. Fario & Felian can add to the party's strength in the climactic battle by having the party 'save' them, not the other way around.

Alternately, you could delay the entry of the Hobgoblins or reduce their overall numbers, if the fight is going tough on the party; since the players are unaware of any of these variables, you're free to tweak them as DM until they become reality in game.


Colin McKinney wrote:

Well, there's always "Wait your turn! I've already got a customer," then wait and see what they do.

In that vein, there's always, "Take a number, please," or, "The line forms over there."

"It's polite to knock. Now I'm gonna have to charge you double, so get in line and wait your turn."

"Who ordered the Paladin?"

"I'm hopin' you've got the gold to pay for my guards you just killed."

Tarlane wrote:

If you get the chance though, I would try and make Kazmogen talk to the PC's rather then having him rush headfirst into combat against them.
Yes, i agree the chance for a great conversation is to much to pass up.
Perhaps using them as bargaining chips the entrance of a new group would be an excellent time for him to gesture towards them and imply they are another interested party. He could simply make them an offered price that is above what Phyrlak was going to give and see if they are willing to meet it.
Great idea! Whats the going rate for an orphan? Anybody.
The hardcover version of the book has some ideas about how you can play Vhalhaltrus appearance if Kaz is still alive.
I think i'm going to save that for later, I'm thinking when they are headed for the elevator to leave.

As for Fario and Fellian I gave alot of thought about bringing them in, as sort of a reserve for the party because its a small group(just 4).
I did up the initiative order yesterday afternoon, I have them slated to arrive in round 8 with an increasing chance of arrival every round after that. But they will only enter combat if it looks like they could make a difference. The party seems like a bunch of good guys but theres no sense in dying with them.
so they came in prepared...
My group has no idea, they pretty much went right to the room, i think it could get ugly...

Good ideas, thanks for the feedback

Schmoe wrote:

"It's polite to knock. Now I'm gonna have to charge you double, so get in line and wait your turn."

"Who ordered the Paladin?"

"I'm hopin' you've got the gold to pay for my guards you just killed."

I like all of these! Really made me laugh, thanks. Given that I'm hoping to create an atmosphere for conversation, which would you guys think best? 1.Polite to knock... 2.who ordered... 3. gold to pay... Thanks for the feedback

Anyone else have input?

Marc Chin wrote:

*Secret DM mojo trick to have Fario and Felian 'help' the party without having to 'save' them*

In the process of tailing the group, you could presume that they "lost" the party in the Fortress and then have them be discovered by the residents of the fortress (Prickles could smell them, perhaps)...

The party will:
1. Be warned of hostiles ahead by the commotion;
2. Kazmojen will be distracted by an alternate target;
3. Fario & Felian can add to the party's strength in the climactic battle by having the party 'save' them, not the other way around.

Alternately, you could delay the entry of the Hobgoblins or reduce their overall numbers, if the fight is going tough on the party; since the players are unaware of any of these variables, you're free to tweak them as DM until they become reality in game.


The Paliden already kicked the door down and i gave them a breif room description, so Fario and Felian being there won't work. Good idea though.

I have delayed the enterance of various Hobgoblin groups, if and when they are called. The two that were in the room have just run out of it moments before the door is kicked in so right now its just 4 of 6 members of the party at the door VS. Kaz, Pickles and Phyl.
Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated.

Colin McKinney wrote:

...or they'll need to run like bunnies.

Great visual!lol

Colin McKinney wrote:

Oh, and... "although heavily wounded from previous battles, Dirkta refuses healing, saying magic’s for wimps!" ... this will end well...

Yeah, the party purchased the wand of healing from Skie, but he won't let them heal him. They used it on him once when he was unconscious.

Liberty's Edge

Also one other thing you might want to note is that according to the info given in the AP Phyl isn't looking to stay and fight so he is going to take his first chance to escape(probably through the north doors if possible to make his way to his room and then return to the underdark). I figure this is important because I saw you listing him in your lineup of enemies against the PC's and with his SA for unholy blight he can quite easily wipe out an entire group of good/neutral low level PCs in a single round.

Paizo Employee CEO

When I ran this, the group came through the side door from the kitchen area. Kaz said something like, "Ahhh, it looks like the second group of bidders has arrived." He said this a) hoping that the characters might actually buy the children as opposed to fighting him...he is in the business of selling afterall and b) he was hoping that it might put pressure on Pyrl. to up his offer.

It actually ended up working out pretty well. The players bought Terrem, only to have V. teleport in and take him before they could retrieve him. The players then asked to be allowed to bid on the other children. Since Kaz felt that losing Terrem was bad for business, and since he was pissed at Pyrl. for not buying Terrem in the first place, he opened the bidding and the players ended up winning it. They had the wizard and the druid lead the children away, and as they were leaving, Kaz said something like, "Oh, yeah, and you owe me 20 gp each for the guards you killed. You know that training isn't cheap." For some reason, that set off the fight. :)


Lisa Stevens wrote:

When I ran this, the group came through the side door from the kitchen area. Kaz said something like, "Ahhh, it looks like the second group of bidders has arrived." He said this a) hoping that the characters might actually buy the children as opposed to fighting him...he is in the business of selling afterall and b) he was hoping that it might put pressure on Pyrl. to up his offer.


This is kinda what I'm hoping happens, what did bidding start at per child? Pyllrak has 180 gp on him, so I'm assuming 40-45gp each? Sound fair?

Lisa Stevens wrote:

"Oh, yeah, and you owe me 20 gp each for the guards you killed. You know that training isn't cheap." For some reason, that set off the fight. :)

how did the fight go?

Thanks for input.

Tarlane wrote:
Also one other thing you might want to note is that according to the info given in the AP Phyl isn't looking to stay and fight so he is going to take his first chance to escape(probably through the north doors if possible to make his way to his room and then return to the underdark).

Yeah, i put him in the initiative order to, but i don't see him fighting or even helping. I see him hanging around, if Kazmojen starts loosing taking the kids with him.

The Paliden kicked in the front set of double doors with a 20 so leaving that ways out, but he probably knows his way around.

Paizo Employee CEO

jody mcadoo wrote:
Lisa Stevens wrote:

When I ran this, the group came through the side door from the kitchen area. Kaz said something like, "Ahhh, it looks like the second group of bidders has arrived." He said this a) hoping that the characters might actually buy the children as opposed to fighting him...he is in the business of selling afterall and b) he was hoping that it might put pressure on Pyrl. to up his offer.


This is kinda what I'm hoping happens, what did bidding start at per child? Pyllrak has 180 gp on him, so I'm assuming 40-45gp each? Sound fair?

Lisa Stevens wrote:

"Oh, yeah, and you owe me 20 gp each for the guards you killed. You know that training isn't cheap." For some reason, that set off the fight. :)

how did the fight go?

Thanks for input.

I believe they ended up paying almost 300gp for the 3 children. They had agreed to pay 80gp for Terrem before V. snatched him up.

The fight was interesting. The party was getting their butts kicked when the Marshall used improved trip to put Kaz on the ground. That turned the tide. He was never really able to get up again. When Prickles was killed by our cleric, Kaz jumped off the ground to attack the cleric in a rage, but the oppies from the surrounding characters put him almost to zero. If he hadn't of been tripped, the whole battle might have gone a different way IMHO.


Thanks for the info, feedback and great ideas everybody. You guys(and girls) really came through, i have everything i need to make this a memorable event. Thanks again.

I'll post the outcome in a couple weeks after our next game night. Playing once a month bites! Work... Grrrr!

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