"Expedition to the Barrier Peaks" for 3.5E!

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

The recent article Return Expedition to the Barrier Peaks" (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/d20m/20060505a) is just a tease.

Please update "Expedition to the Barrier Peaks" for D&D 3.5E. I know Mr. Mona had said on another thread that it would be 200 pages long. Excellent! I would appreciate it even if it were released only as a download. Hey, we all have hi-res printers at work, don't we?!

I'd vote for that as well, but given a choice, I'd take S4 Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth over it any day.

Allen Stewart wrote:
I'd vote for that as well, but given a choice, I'd take S4 Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth over it any day.

yeah, for sure..

I for one am curious to see whather that lightsaber wand is still locked in away in Tharzidun's cyst.

Allen Stewart wrote:
I'd vote for that as well, but given a choice, I'd take S4 Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth over it any day.

Oddly enough I recently bought a copy of S4 with the intentions of updating it for my game. I don't know what the rules are on this type of thing, but when it's finished I'll share it with people.

Liberty's Edge

ghettowedge wrote:

Oddly enough I recently bought a copy of S4 with the intentions of updating it for my game. I don't know what the rules are on this type of thing, but when it's finished I'll share it with people.

S4 rocks hardcore. I remember getting it at 13 yrs old, and lo and behold, a WHOLE BOOKLET OF NEW MONSTERS. BONUS!!! I'm going to do the same thing and put it on an island for the adventure path. I've been getting answers from the Powers That Be that allude to Iggy being covered in the Fiendish Codex somehow AND in the AP somehow. It's time again.

Liberty's Edge

As a thought, what ARE the rules with regards to taking an old adventure, revamping it for 3.5, and sharing the info. on the 'net to see what other knuckleheads did better (or worse) than you?

I don't know about the conversion "rules" but I wanted to chime in that I considered "Expedition to the Barrier Peaks" to be the ultimate meta-gaming test back in the day. Anyone who went through it and role-played their character well enough to convince me that they weren't using player knowledge about the items they found got a bunch of extra XP.

I think the big thing that made S4 so special is that there was a whole booklet of new monsters. No one had seen any of that stuff, at all! A revamping of S4 would only be true to S4 if that were kept in mind and it was stocked full of new and unusual critters, and a really cool artifact at the end...

If Barrier Peaks is 're-mixed' and updated for todays gamers, will we see some of the cool features of the original (which were sci-fi and movie references) updated into more exciting and 'kewl' items from todays sci-fi and movies themes?

double-bladed energy sword etc...

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