Control DC Sphere of Annihalation?

Age of Worms Adventure Path

Uh hit wrong button, continuing post.

In 'Dawn of a new age' it lists the control DC for the sphere of annihalation as a DC-60 check, but in the SRD it says the control check is DC-30, So anyone know which is right?

Or is it that Kyuss' check is a 60 which must be beaten by the PCs.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

YuKyDave wrote:

Uh hit wrong button, continuing post.

In 'Dawn of a new age' it lists the control DC for the sphere of annihalation as a DC-60 check, but in the SRD it says the control check is DC-30, So anyone know which is right?

Or is it that Kyuss' check is a 60 which must be beaten by the PCs.

The DC 60 check is a special case, where you're basically tearing a sphere out of a magical trap (the green devil face). Once it's out of the devil face's mouth, the check becomes a DC 30 unless you're fighting for control over it with someone else, in which case it's an opposed check.

What do you use for the check?
Your will save? Spellcraft? Intelligence? Levels and a D20?
This one PC has the Talisman of the Sphere,
so what should he be raising to best use it?

Rules for controlling a Sphere of Annihilation can be found here:

Rules for using the Talisman of the Sphere can be found here:

Swell. You need at least an Int. of 20 and 20 levels of arcane spellcaster to be able to free it with a 20 roll.
If it's not a skill roll does that mean noone can help?
Any cleric spells help with the roll?

The Talisman doubles your caster level and Int bonus for the control check IF you can cast arcane spells.

So, assuming 20 Levels of Wizard + 24 Int (+7) = +40 + 14 = +54

6 or higher on a d20 ain't bad odds.

Right. The person who has it currently has only one or two
levels of wizard.
Can he lend it to the Kabold sorcerer?
If not he should focus on getting a book for Int.
and a +5 headband of intellect.
His character is mostly Ninja.
Still 26Int + 1 level of Wizard + 1D20 = 28-47.
A good chance.

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