Dark moon monk?

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Does anyone remember if there was a prestige class or substitution levels for making dark moon monks? (worship shar- martial arts, shadow magic and sorcery)

book/article and page number would be good :P
I'm sure I've seen something

Can't give a complete answer sadly but if I ain't completley mistaken the Champions of Ruin supplement has substitution-levels. Don't know of any prestige class but there is a monk-sorcerer thing in complete arcane that might be convertable. Also a free downloadable web-enhancment at wizards (for faiths a pantheons) gives dark moons the "right" to multiclass as sorcerers with some kind of restriction I think.

Hope this helped some and wasn't just me rambling.

thanks Lenarior
enlightened fist- could work. doesn't look like there is a dark moon monk specific substitution levels or similar.
the enhancement says they can multiclass sorcerer and monk. :)

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