DeadDMWalking |
"Bloodlines" by Luke Johnson (Dungeon Issue #94 - September/October 2002) features a fiendish Mhorg.
You might have trouble finding the issue on your shelf because the spine says "Issue #92". But, yeah, it's pretty cool. While the adventure is 3.0 I don't recall noticing any major problems with running it as 3.5
I might have to double check the spell protection from arrows - it might not be as useful in 3.5 as it would be in 3.0
Qualidar |
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Giant Mhorgs in Dungeon 89's "Headless". A great adventure, but I think the CR's are waaaaay off. Worth running, but tone it down (or run it for highter level characters).