Dungeon #133 Errata?

Age of Worms Adventure Path

I have a couple questions about Kings of the Rift.

1) How come the Ominous Fabler doesn't have Disguise as a skill? He only has the Ring of Chameleon Power, which basically grants a +20 of Disguise checks. At this level, PCs will have awesome Spot checks so shouldn't the Ominous Fabler at least have some ranks in Disguise?

2) Shouldn't the Raam have the undead type rather than the giant type?

(I apologize if this is in the wrong forum; this is my first post here.)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Ogrork the Mighty wrote:

I have a couple questions about Kings of the Rift.

1) How come the Ominous Fabler doesn't have Disguise as a skill? He only has the Ring of Chameleon Power, which basically grants a +20 of Disguise checks. At this level, PCs will have awesome Spot checks so shouldn't the Ominous Fabler at least have some ranks in Disguise?

2) Shouldn't the Raam have the undead type rather than the giant type?

(I apologize if this is in the wrong forum; this is my first post here.)

1) Not all NPCs should be/are number-crunched to be the best they can be at a job. The Ominious Fabler has only recently been caught and put in his new role by his new boss; he wouldn't necessarilly be the best choice for the role. He depends a lot on the "purloined letter syndrome" to get away with his deception; as in, he's right out there in the open and his cover story is somewhat plausable, so it's likely that in the shadow of a giant/dragon war, the PCs may overlook him. Now, that said, if the PCs see through his disguise right away, that's perfectly cool as well. Not only does it make these groups feel like they're actually high level and good at what they do to see through the deception, but it throws in a nice reminder that Kyuss stuff is still going on (there's not much more about Kyuss himself happening in this adventure). And at this level... not all groups will have an awesome Spot check in the party. Although it IS pretty likely. ANYway, my recomendation is to leave him as is and give the PCs something neat to discover about him as a result.

2) This one's simpler. Yes, the raam should be Undead. It also shouldn't have a Constitution score. The good news is that the rest of its stat block is fine.

Cool. Thanks for the prompt response!

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