The Demonskar Ball

Shackled City Adventure Path

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delvesdeep wrote:
So how is your games going?

The latest group I ran defeated the Thirteen at the Tree of Shackled Souls.

THEN, Zim the Wizard (who, incidentally, is the first wizard in my world to research and develop the spells dimension door, teleport, and greater teleport [because demons do that sort of thing and who wants to dabble in that kind of diabolism? Just dimensional anchor and dimensional lock stuff down and be done with it {who, naturally, named *his* spells Zim's Door and Zimportation}]) was able to determine that the Tree of Shackled Souls was focusing the energy of the volcano to unlock Adimarchus's cage (the portal to Carceri was merely a by-product of smashing the lock).

The paladin of Wee-Jas (using my own pantheon, but since y'all don't play in it, I didn't think Feneme Aurix would mean anything to you) has the Smoking Eye and could see Adimarchus's cage through the planar rift and knew it was brittle.

Then she took a left turn, "Can we re-direct the energy to Occipitus? To put the celestial chunk of it back in heaven?" (Again, my world's different: It was a binary star system with a blue sun, Cerulean, and a red sun, Caran; but Caran was destroyed during the Savage Tide when a Black Pearl was heading to each and the group had to decide which star to save. So, she's actually talking about putting the Heart of Caran back into the sky)

Zim asks if he can use a Gate to do that. Since he's the first wizard to research these spells in my world, and I liked the direction this was going, I replied, "Well, nothing like this have ever been tried before. It could work . . . and it could obliterate the Astral Plane, bringing all of the planes crashing together with the Prime Material.

The group deliberates. And deliberates . . . and deliberates some more. But, in the end, they decide to cast it. The gate splices between the Tree of Shackled Souls and Carceri and successfully redirects the power to Occipitus and lo, and behold, there's a new light in the night's sky.

My world has no moons and no stars. Night is Vantablack. But now there is a tiny mote of red (about as bright as Mars in our sky). As time and campaigns go by, the Heart of Caran will grow brighter and brighter until other chunks of the exploded sun pick up the glow (stars will start to appear). As eons pass and the goodly races continue their work, they'll bring all of the pieces back together and "you can always see the sun . . . day . . . or night."

Sounds like a nice finish....IS that the finish or will you do something more?

Mothman wrote:
delvesdeep wrote:

All good. Just need to find a group in Australia now to join or a couple of players to join us. So how is your games going?

I'm keen to start writing again so I'll see what inspires. Cheers

Sorry to hear about your gaming group Delvesdeep. We had a death in our group of friends / players last year too, it is hard. Also abandoned our Shackled City campaign after about ten years of playing, but for unrelated reasons (that was with a different group actually).

Whereabouts in Australia are you?


Our group just finished 13 Cages before we finished up. I never got to play the Haunted Village adventure or the Alternative Ending I wrote up but I did get to do everything up to that. The party never went to Sasserine either which I was then going to use for my next campaign.

What about you Mothman, where are you from?

Liberty's Edge

I'm in Sydney ... so inviting you to join our gaming group would involve quite a commute!

delvesdeep wrote:
Sounds like a nice finish....IS that the finish or will you do something more?

That was the finish to that campaign. But all campaigns I run take place in my created world (using Christopher West's "Lands of Mystery" map from Dungeon #150) and will continue forward from there.

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