New Races - solution to too much magic


What do people think of the idea of two new races:

Mage Touched and God Touched - basically human but:

Mage touched can use arcane spells and gain some cantrip level spell like abilties.

God touched can use divine spells and have some orison like abilties.

They don't get a bonus feat or extra skill points.

Humans are then modified so that they cannot cast spells - certain class abilties could be changed to be spell like or alternatives to spell casting substituted.

Humans would need to spend one or two feats (with like 5th level requirements) to gain the ability to pusue spell casting classes later.

Non-human races would be able to take a feat magegifted or godtouched and pursue spell casting classes.

I think this would create a world model where all of the magical possibilities existed, but regulated the quantity. I think such a world would be more in line with (it appears) most of the folks on these boards attitudes toward level and specialness of magic. And it would do it without really limiting choices for characters.

What do folks think of these races as tools to manage thte level of magic?

Scarab Sages

An interesting idea...It would work really well with the Iron Heroes rules. Those rules emphasize that magic is VERY difficult and dangerous for most humans to use, and that you need a little touch of the divine (or at least extraplanar) in order to really use it safely.

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