Rana Mor?

Shackled City Adventure Path

I am thinking of inserting this fun little adventure as a side-trek in my starting-next-week SCAP campaign... I've always wanted to use it, and it seems that this is the best opportunity I shall have for a while. :)

Have any of you DM's done the same, and if so, what tweaks did you use/would you suggest?

I thought I'd insert it after Flood Season, as by then our Heroes should have built a name for themselves, and it would allow some of our outdoor PC's a bit more of a chance to shine.

Thanks in advance for your wisdom!

I was a player in this adventure, not linked to SCAP, it was years ago and I found it very interesting and very funny, our elf fighter was swallowed by every creature that could, or grappled, then captured by the Destrachan, but he never died.

I was a player too and ironically I was an Elven Fighter/Rogue, who only got swallowed once ....

Maybe it is a conspiracy vs the Elves or something ....

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