High Handcrafter: Good or Bad?

Shackled City Adventure Path

I'm a terrible judge when it comes to deciding if a prestige class is worthwhile or not. I'm looking at the High Handcrafter PrC from the hardback and I can't see anyone taking this. Anybody else?

Prereq requires 16 points in craft skills, plus a feat - those are totally wasted for a character.

For a wizard, the saves and skill points go up, but who cares. You've already waster 16 skills points so the 6+INT per level is a wash. Saves go up is nice, but nothing great.

The earth talisman lets you cast some lower level spells, but you've lost two spellcasting levels by the time you get that. I'd rather have the levels.

The Summon Earth Elemental is going to granted at a LATER level then the wizard would be able to do it if he stayed wizard.

Additionally, you lose out on the bonus wizard feats.

I can't see my wizard player (who'd be the one meeting Maavu) taking this. Am I missing something? Somebody have a tweak or a different PrC?

DMFTodd wrote:

I'm a terrible judge when it comes to deciding if a prestige class is worthwhile or not. I'm looking at the High Handcrafter PrC from the hardback and I can't see anyone taking this. Anybody else?

Maybe not for a wizard, but it does give some handy stuff, eg choice of class skills, three feats (instead of spellcasting). You could probably do something with that. I seem to recall they also get free cash as well.

DMFTodd wrote:

I'm a terrible judge when it comes to deciding if a prestige class is worthwhile or not. I'm looking at the High Handcrafter PrC from the hardback and I can't see anyone taking this. Anybody else?

Prereq requires 16 points in craft skills, plus a feat - those are totally wasted for a character.

For a wizard, the saves and skill points go up, but who cares. You've already waster 16 skills points so the 6+INT per level is a wash. Saves go up is nice, but nothing great.

The earth talisman lets you cast some lower level spells, but you've lost two spellcasting levels by the time you get that. I'd rather have the levels.

The Summon Earth Elemental is going to granted at a LATER level then the wizard would be able to do it if he stayed wizard.

Additionally, you lose out on the bonus wizard feats.

I can't see my wizard player (who'd be the one meeting Maavu) taking this. Am I missing something? Somebody have a tweak or a different PrC?

Well, Flavor or Roleplaying is always a good reason, IMO and IMC, as opposed to mathematically calculating exact cost/benefit ratios down to the skill point.

That's just IMC, though, and obviously your mileage may vary.

Imagine that in the original draft, in the magazine, you don't gain any spellcaster levels with this Prestige class....!!!!

So if you decided you didn't want to use the High Handcrafter as written, any suggestions on what you'd replace it with?

DMFTodd wrote:
So if you decided you didn't want to use the High Handcrafter as written, any suggestions on what you'd replace it with?

I don't know yet if I will use it, there is no character in the group that I see going this way but I can be wrong.

First I have to make some changes, add spellcaster levels in the progression and we'll see.
They are assaulting the Malachite Fortress, time will tell.
For replacing it's not easy, I don't see any Prestige class to be that way.

I run Sc in Eberron. IMC Sura Spellmason was Surabar d'Cannith, a Dragonmarked memeber of the House Cannith that had fled the War of the Mark over 2000 years ago. The Chisel are what remains of Surabars apprintices and familiy.

So... I need to make the high handcrafter a Artificer PrC. Anyone have any ideas?

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