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I am soon to start the adventurer path (and I'm so excited, I can't wait). One of my players is intending to play a cleric of Wee Jas. However, while mentioned in the Diamond Lake backdrop, it seems to have been left out of the Overload.
Has anyone fleshed out this group at all for their own campaigns? Something that I can use (he said somewhat lazily), rather than developing it myself from the ground up?

Red Skull |

I used Allustan to intro our Wee Jas Priest in the begining of Encounter at Blackwell Keep. He was asking the players to join him and told them that he´d use his connections at the Temple to ask for a cleric to join them (He is a experienced adventurer so he knows your f**ke´d without a cleric)
The player was happy to go and be rid of his embalming duties (he draw the short straw)

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You might want to start AoW with Mad God's Key from Dungeon 114.
It's a 1st level adventure that concerns explusing a group of Vecnans from a corrupted temple of Wee Jas in the Carin Hills. It was a perfect lead-in for my group as they made contacts in Greyhawk as well as being introduced to the Cult of Vecna & Wee Jas. There's a great chase through the harbor across several barges in Greyhawk & your cleric will score a lot of points with Amariss for cleansing the Temple of Blood Everflowing.

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You might want to start AoW with Mad God's Key from Dungeon 114.
It's a 1st level adventure that concerns explusing a group of Vecnans from a corrupted temple of Wee Jas in the Carin Hills. It was a perfect lead-in for my group as they made contacts in Greyhawk as well as being introduced to the Cult of Vecna & Wee Jas. There's a great chase through the harbor across several barges in Greyhawk & your cleric will score a lot of points with Amariss for cleansing the Temple of Blood Everflowing.
I've considered that (and am still considering it--scaling it up and using it as a preamble to The Champion's Belt), but I really want to start the AP in Diamond Lake.

Royster |

You may want to read Tyralandi’s (sp?) campaign journal for AoW. It will give you some idea as to how Mr. Mona chose to use the Cult of the Green Lady located just outside of DL. Also it may spark some ideas on how to incorporate a cleric of We-Jas, without being a member of the cult. At the very least, it is a very enjoyable read.
IMC we have a cleric of We-Jas, and I chose to make him a member of the Green Lady cult. I’ve been very vague on the details, the character has been back to the temple twice thus far, mainly to keep the Green Lady abreast of the things that have been happening. I chose to make the following very small with only about 12 members, whose main duty it is to keep watch over the cemetery in DL. I haven’t made up much for specifics, such as level of the clerics or such, just because I really didn’t feel the need. I choose to make one of the main impetus of the temple to stomp out undead, seeing them as unnatural, and against the teachings of We-Jas; souls must be sent to the plane of their god, not forced to suffer in undeath. This way, the Green Lady was able to suggest to the party cleric that they investigate the hidden temple beneath DL, for it would be quite likely that the evil cults would have undead that must be released within their midsts. As a twist, the party cleric took a flaw at creation which prevents him from turning undead. It has made things interesting indeed.
Also there is some info on We-Jas in the Oerth Journals, I forget which one, I want to say 6? Which you may find helpful. Good Luck!

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You may want to read Tyralandi’s (sp?) campaign journal for AoW. It will give you some idea as to how Mr. Mona chose to use the Cult of the Green Lady located just outside of DL. Also it may spark some ideas on how to incorporate a cleric of We-Jas, without being a member of the cult. At the very least, it is a very enjoyable read.
IMC we have a cleric of We-Jas, and I chose to make him a member of the Green Lady cult. I’ve been very vague on the details, the character has been back to the temple twice thus far, mainly to keep the Green Lady abreast of the things that have been happening. I chose to make the following very small with only about 12 members, whose main duty it is to keep watch over the cemetery in DL. I haven’t made up much for specifics, such as level of the clerics or such, just because I really didn’t feel the need. I choose to make one of the main impetus of the temple to stomp out undead, seeing them as unnatural, and against the teachings of We-Jas; souls must be sent to the plane of their god, not forced to suffer in undeath. This way, the Green Lady was able to suggest to the party cleric that they investigate the hidden temple beneath DL, for it would be quite likely that the evil cults would have undead that must be released within their midsts. As a twist, the party cleric took a flaw at creation which prevents him from turning undead. It has made things interesting indeed.
Also there is some info on We-Jas in the Oerth Journals, I forget which one, I want to say 6? Which you may find helpful. Good Luck!Any suggestions on who to access either this journal you speak of or the Oerth Journal?
Thanks for the input. I may end up doing the same in making the temple rather small, vague, and indistinct. My intention is to play Amariss as a Madame Xanadu-style mystic, extremely cryptic, all-knowing and little-saying.

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Royster wrote:Thanks for the input. I may end up doing the same in making the temple rather small, vague, and indistinct. My intention is to play Amariss as a Madame Xanadu-style mystic, extremely cryptic, all-knowing and little-saying.You may want to read Tyralandi’s (sp?) campaign journal for AoW. It will give you some idea as to how Mr. Mona chose to use the Cult of the Green Lady located just outside of DL. Also it may spark some ideas on how to incorporate a cleric of We-Jas, without being a member of the cult. At the very least, it is a very enjoyable read.
IMC we have a cleric of We-Jas, and I chose to make him a member of the Green Lady cult. I’ve been very vague on the details, the character has been back to the temple twice thus far, mainly to keep the Green Lady abreast of the things that have been happening. I chose to make the following very small with only about 12 members, whose main duty it is to keep watch over the cemetery in DL. I haven’t made up much for specifics, such as level of the clerics or such, just because I really didn’t feel the need. I choose to make one of the main impetus of the temple to stomp out undead, seeing them as unnatural, and against the teachings of We-Jas; souls must be sent to the plane of their god, not forced to suffer in undeath. This way, the Green Lady was able to suggest to the party cleric that they investigate the hidden temple beneath DL, for it would be quite likely that the evil cults would have undead that must be released within their midsts. As a twist, the party cleric took a flaw at creation which prevents him from turning undead. It has made things interesting indeed.
Also there is some info on We-Jas in the Oerth Journals, I forget which one, I want to say 6? Which you may find helpful. Good Luck!Any suggestions on who to access either this journal you speak of or the Oerth Journal?
Any suggestions on how to access either this campaign journal you speak of or the Oerth Journal?

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Royster wrote:Thanks for the input. I may end up doing the same in making the temple rather small, vague, and indistinct. My intention is to play Amariss as a Madame Xanadu-style mystic, extremely cryptic, all-knowing and little-saying.You may want to read Tyralandi’s (sp?) campaign journal for AoW. It will give you some idea as to how Mr. Mona chose to use the Cult of the Green Lady located just outside of DL. Also it may spark some ideas on how to incorporate a cleric of We-Jas, without being a member of the cult. At the very least, it is a very enjoyable read.
IMC we have a cleric of We-Jas, and I chose to make him a member of the Green Lady cult. I’ve been very vague on the details, the character has been back to the temple twice thus far, mainly to keep the Green Lady abreast of the things that have been happening. I chose to make the following very small with only about 12 members, whose main duty it is to keep watch over the cemetery in DL. I haven’t made up much for specifics, such as level of the clerics or such, just because I really didn’t feel the need. I choose to make one of the main impetus of the temple to stomp out undead, seeing them as unnatural, and against the teachings of We-Jas; souls must be sent to the plane of their god, not forced to suffer in undeath. This way, the Green Lady was able to suggest to the party cleric that they investigate the hidden temple beneath DL, for it would be quite likely that the evil cults would have undead that must be released within their midsts. As a twist, the party cleric took a flaw at creation which prevents him from turning undead. It has made things interesting indeed.
Also there is some info on We-Jas in the Oerth Journals, I forget which one, I want to say 6? Which you may find helpful. Good Luck!Any suggestions on who to access either this journal you speak of or the Oerth Journal?
Any suggestions on how to access this campaign journal you speak of or the Oerth Journal?

Peruhain of Brithondy |

David Roulston wrote:Any suggestions on how to access this campaign journal you speak of or the Oerth Journal?Royster wrote:Thanks for the input. I may end up doing the same in making the temple rather small, vague, and indistinct. My intention is to play Amariss as a Madame Xanadu-style mystic, extremely cryptic, all-knowing and little-saying.You may want to read Tyralandi’s (sp?) campaign journal for AoW. It will give you some idea as to how Mr. Mona chose to use the Cult of the Green Lady located just outside of DL. Also it may spark some ideas on how to incorporate a cleric of We-Jas, without being a member of the cult. At the very least, it is a very enjoyable read.
IMC we have a cleric of We-Jas, and I chose to make him a member of the Green Lady cult. I’ve been very vague on the details, the character has been back to the temple twice thus far, mainly to keep the Green Lady abreast of the things that have been happening. I chose to make the following very small with only about 12 members, whose main duty it is to keep watch over the cemetery in DL. I haven’t made up much for specifics, such as level of the clerics or such, just because I really didn’t feel the need. I choose to make one of the main impetus of the temple to stomp out undead, seeing them as unnatural, and against the teachings of We-Jas; souls must be sent to the plane of their god, not forced to suffer in undeath. This way, the Green Lady was able to suggest to the party cleric that they investigate the hidden temple beneath DL, for it would be quite likely that the evil cults would have undead that must be released within their midsts. As a twist, the party cleric took a flaw at creation which prevents him from turning undead. It has made things interesting indeed.
Also there is some info on We-Jas in the Oerth Journals, I forget which one, I want to say 6? Which you may find helpful. Good Luck!Any suggestions on who to access either this journal you speak of or the Oerth Journal?
Campaign journal is James Jacobs' thread on this site, under campaign journals--his character is Tyralandi Scrimm.
As for the cleric mentioned above who took the flaw preventing him from turning undead: this cleric may find his comrades murder him in his sleep so that they can get his player to roll up a new, better-conceived cleric, for this campaign. At least once they figure out what "Age of Worms" refers to.

Rob Bastard |

Question: Why is it called the cult of the Green Lady? Isn't Wee Jas known as the Stern Lady or the Ruby Sorceress (at least according to the Gazeteer)?
The Cult of the Green Lady first appeared in a 2e adventure called the Doomgrinder (it has a great map of the Cairn Hills, too).
The cult was founded by a Frost Barbarian named Nohrtan (sp) whose visions led him to the cairn. The Green Lady herself, legend has it, was a follower of Wee Jas who used her magics to protect the Sueloise migrants on their journey across the Flanaess, before she died & was entombed in the Cairn of the Green Lady, IIRC.
As for what happened to Nohrtan & how Amariss came to lead the cult, that hasn't been revealed. Erik, I suspect, has some thoughts on this. :)

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Tyralandi's journals live at:
Lots of Wee Jas goodness there. As for the cult of the Green Lady, I'm not really sure what Erik's got planned for it but rest assured I'll be doing my best to ferret out of him (in game) more info, and as I learn it it'll go into the journal posts. In fact... if all goes according to plan, there may be some nifty prestige class levels coming out of it!