I am DMing AoW in Eberron and i have decided to drop Ecounter at Blackwall Keep and Hall of Harsh Reflections for other Eberron adventures. What i have been struggling with is how to get the players into The Champions Belt if they never see the letter from Loris to the Mind Flayer?
So this is what i came up with useing the online stat bank (awesome resourse BTW)
As the players enter Sharn they are beset by The Company of Ebon an evil adventuring group in the service of the Ebon Triad that have been sent by Loris Raknian to avenge the loss that the Ebon Triad suffered in The Three Faces of Evil.
The Company of Ebon is made up of the following...
-Aran Lok (Ebon Triad Spy – Female Theifling Rogue5/Assassin 2) Leader and Mockery Cultist, Aran is carrying a letter from a mysterious benefactor that the players later with the help of research identify as Loris Raknian
-Bronz Fist (Warforged Fighter Monk – Male Warforged Fighter 3/Monk 2/Arcanopath Monk 1) Melee Fighter and only non Triad Cultist in the group
-Gnaws-at-Wound (Fiendish Human Wererat – Male Fiendish Human Wererat Rogue 3) The groups lowest member and apprentis to Aran Lok, Mockery Cultist
-Brother Snow (Brother Snow – Male Ice Mephit Cleric (Shadow) 5 Shadow Cultist and all around nasty fellow he is confident that his natural mephit abilitys will keep him safe at the front of the melee
-Haskell Craff (Haskell Vampire Wannabe – Male Human Hooded Pupil Necromancr 5) Haskell is a servant of the Keeper and is studying Necronamcy under some un-named Ebon Triad Cultist. His role is to summon undead and help the party with combat spells and buffs
I see this as a hard fight on the streets of Sharn with an enemy that might very well kill them. It will also be very rewarding experience point vise and while the PC´s go on to play the Shards of Eberron Mini-AP Topran will do his best to find out who hired such powerfull adventures to kill the players...
Any advice and comments are welcome and i hope other AoW Eberron DM´s take time commenting