
Red Skull's page

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I whould also like to see that stats for a Wight Mob, as i im thinking of center stageing the fight against the Wights with Tome of Battle fights as the players fight for Sharn (Free City)

I think that after a long time fighting a war in sharn the players will be really sure that they are the only force that can save the world from the forces of Kyuss (in my path he is a Giant sorcerer that bonded with a Rakasha Raja during the destruction of the Giant civilisation)

I think that a good fight against Wight Mobs, Kyuss Worm Swarms and Ebon Triad Cultists for the Free City is a great way to exhalt your players as the heroes of their era...

My current AoW group plays in Eberron and has just reached the step where Hall of Harsh Reflections should be (im playing around with the AP as i dislike EaBK and HoHR)

The leader of the group is...

Arkham d'Orien (Human Mage(Necromancer)6) put up a note in Dimond Lake advertiseing an expidition into the ancient tombs pre-dateing the hobgoblin tombs in the area.

Darcy d'Cannith (Human Artificer 6) is the latest adition to the group haveing joined after the party reached Sharn (Great City)

Grjót Brightedge (Dwarf Fighter 1/Cleric(Sovreign Host) 5 (going for Soveign Speaker) classic dwarf cleric with a twist...

Stonebraker (Dwarf Barbarian 6) this powerfull warriors is the only other founding member of the group along with Arkham as all the others have perished...

LAW (Ancient Warforged Paladin 6 (Going for Warforged Juggernought) was discovered in the Vaati tomb and claims to have been built by them during the age of demons to fight in the war along Dragons and Coutals. His breath driven power core was blown back to life by Stonebraker and as such he belives he ows his life to him. He is destined to opposed the Lord of Blades and fight for the rights of Warforged and enslaved Elementals in the Eberron world...

Fafnir Silversong (Human Seren Barbarian 2/Bard 4 ( going for Dragon Prophet) is a dark skinned, dragon tatooed giant of a man that is the moral and spiritual soul of the group and even if he started as a henchman he has come into his own and playes a vital role in the group...

Nux Two-Thuds (Half-Orc Rouge 4/Ranger 2) picked up by the group during a recent airship crash adventure Nux has been slowly change by rubbing shoulders with the players as his alignement has shifted from CE to CN...

Right now the party is playing Steel Shadows (a very good adventure that might have used a little more work and not a picture that compares it to Ususal Suspects as it gives the whole plot away)

I belive Cernobog and Bilobog are supposed to be brother gods from slavic mythology representing Night/Winter (cernobog) and Day/Summer (Bilobog) but also they are the same god that changes faces as the night/winter turnes to day/summer...

I am DMing AoW in Eberron and i have decided to drop Ecounter at Blackwall Keep and Hall of Harsh Reflections for other Eberron adventures. What i have been struggling with is how to get the players into The Champions Belt if they never see the letter from Loris to the Mind Flayer?

So this is what i came up with useing the online stat bank (awesome resourse BTW)

As the players enter Sharn they are beset by The Company of Ebon an evil adventuring group in the service of the Ebon Triad that have been sent by Loris Raknian to avenge the loss that the Ebon Triad suffered in The Three Faces of Evil.
The Company of Ebon is made up of the following...

-Aran Lok (Ebon Triad Spy – Female Theifling Rogue5/Assassin 2) Leader and Mockery Cultist, Aran is carrying a letter from a mysterious benefactor that the players later with the help of research identify as Loris Raknian

-Bronz Fist (Warforged Fighter Monk – Male Warforged Fighter 3/Monk 2/Arcanopath Monk 1) Melee Fighter and only non Triad Cultist in the group

-Gnaws-at-Wound (Fiendish Human Wererat – Male Fiendish Human Wererat Rogue 3) The groups lowest member and apprentis to Aran Lok, Mockery Cultist

-Brother Snow (Brother Snow – Male Ice Mephit Cleric (Shadow) 5 Shadow Cultist and all around nasty fellow he is confident that his natural mephit abilitys will keep him safe at the front of the melee

-Haskell Craff (Haskell Vampire Wannabe – Male Human Hooded Pupil Necromancr 5) Haskell is a servant of the Keeper and is studying Necronamcy under some un-named Ebon Triad Cultist. His role is to summon undead and help the party with combat spells and buffs

I see this as a hard fight on the streets of Sharn with an enemy that might very well kill them. It will also be very rewarding experience point vise and while the PC´s go on to play the Shards of Eberron Mini-AP Topran will do his best to find out who hired such powerfull adventures to kill the players...

Any advice and comments are welcome and i hope other AoW Eberron DM´s take time commenting

As i am playing in Eberron i will haveto change the ending as well but mostly to work in alot of rakasha into the final modules...

Allustan seems to me a perfect candidate for Fizbanisum as i call it...


Taken from Dragonlace Cronicles the absent minded fireball specialist wizard Fizban the Faboulous was indeed a avatar of Palatine the Platinum Dragon god of God and Law

But as a twist i whould use The Traveler as he has nothing to gain from Kyuss from taking over the world and ushering in a new Age of Demons...

To that end i might even change out Allustan for Menzonian at Magepoint and then say that his house in Dimond Lake is just his "summer home"

For a prize for a monster in the Arena i whould go with its CR and using that determin how much "gold" its worth...

So the monster is basicly worth its tresure IMHO...

*Golfclap* i like it sir...

Can you actualy drop Gathering of Winds? That leaves more loose ends then is healty for a good yarn...

I was actualy thinking that Strad might be named as a scholar of The Nethertome of Thrask and that the Tome of Strad spoke of it at great lenght? My plan is to have one page of the Nethertome on displey in a section of Morgrave or Arcanix reserved for scholars in Necromany (as one of my players is)

That might lead my players on a second trip to Ravenloft to find the Tome of Strad

I too plan to insert Ravenloft into my AoW game and i also play Eberron

My game plan is this...

We started with The Wispering Cairn as per usual and then played TFoE with the Eberron changes posted on this site...

I then used the Airship Crash adventure from Dungeon (Into the Clawmark Mines i think its called) instaid of the Encounter at Blackwell Keep (Played in before and i dont like it) but i added a cave under the waterfall inside the cave that had a Kyuss Temple manned by a Dusk Hag and Spawn´s of Kyuss made from the agents Theldrik talks about in his letters. My players decided to go back to Digs End and rest for the night after saveing the airship and as such i will introduce the spawns as attacking the town with Dolgrims in tow and then the players go up to the cave and deal with the Hag and the second egg (yes i have two eggs as the first one was used to turn the Agents of the Mockery into Spawns) This is about where we are now...

Next my players will go to Sharn and meet the guy who emplyes them for the Shards of Eberron 3 part AP that i am useing instaid of Hall of Harsh Reflection (very bad adventure in my oppinion especialy for Eberron as its not a hard task to get Silver Flame people with you to kill dopplegangers)

The first mission in Shards of Eberron is suposed to bring them to a tomb in the Talenta Plains but i am putting said Tomb in Barovia for-shadowing a trip there later to retrive The Holy Symbol of Ravenloft and The Sunsword (lets face it if im going to fight Kyuss i want thouse items at my disposal) and then they continue with the Shards AP

After the last adventure there im going to use Champions Games and after that possably a full scale trip to Castle Ravenloft...

Any comments or ideas you can give me?

PC Name: Deiz-Aerai Anduiras
Adventure: Wishpering Cairn
Location of Death: Alastors Haunt
Catalyst: Advanced Vasuthant (Replacing Grick)

The creature really went to town on my players and i urge the makers of the Eberron Conversion Notes to tone him down a little

PC Name: Angelia Paladin of Heronius 7
Adventure: Hall of Harsh Reflections
Location of Death: Area 16--Mirror Maze
Catalyst: 3 Doppleganger Figters full attacking

Party split up and left the main fighter in the octagonal room so the paladin was trying to fill the fighter shoes. Not a good idea......

Talion09 wrote:
What you have done sounds really cool (especially the half-sibling bit with the Elven Princess)... but wouldn't all the offspring of a 1/2Elf & Elf union be elves, not 1/2 elves?

This is how we do it (Think we adopted it from someware)

Human + Elf = H-Elf
Human + H-Elf = Human
Elf + H-Elf = H-Elf

Once you go mixing you cant get a clean elf again but you can get a clean human as humans have "stronger" genes or something explaines why there isint a 1/6 Elf 1/6 Orc 1/6 Dragon 1/6 Fiend 1/6 Ogre 1/6 Human tribe running around killing and maiming all they see...

Half-Dragon Tarrasque!!!!!!!!!

As we started playing my players asked if they chould be the sons and daughters of the last set of characters. As the last set was a Planescape group i said "sure but your parents are missing and the last thing they did was to hide you on thins plane"

So we got a Dwarf Priest son of the Dwarf Barbarian/Fighter/Planar Champion

A H-Elf Fighter/Priest daughter of the H-Elf Fighter/Rouge/Necromancer/Spellsword and a Elven Princess

A H-Elf Rouge/Ranger/Fighter daugter of the H-Elf Sorcerer/Planar Mage (cant remember whats its called) and the same Elven Princess (inter party GF stealing)

and a H-Elf Fighter/Sorcerer son of the H-Elf Sorcerer/Planar Mage and some unnamed elf girl (most likely a servant of the other)

Other players have joined the group now but we still have the core family

Last night after comming back from the first Icelandic RPG Con in a long time i was talking to a player i know that has just moved into town (reykjavik) and i offered him a seat at the game. He decided to make a Warforged Paladin. I think that the Wizard porting into the true tomb and finding a Vaati Warforged is really nice. I was even thinking that one of the motivations for them was to get him out and study him. So im thinking of letting him into the tomb just to scare him and bring backup. Maybe he gets inside but the lock is complex and he whould need houres to crack it (someting Alastor has done, smart kid)

Any thoughts?

In my group i have a wizard with the mark of passage. And he choose Dimension Leap as his Dragonmark power so im worried that they can bypass the whole Flinge storyline all together and therefore The Age of Worms :( Any ideas?

How about a Mark of Worms? I have sevral ideas about that...

1. The Players start manifesting Mark of Worms tieing them together instaid of the Vaati bloodline story....

2. The Mark of Worms is what happens to someone that has a dragonmark that survives a kyuss worm. Cults of the Ebon Triad start infecting shipments of wine and potions to Dragonmark houses to cripple the houses and cause general confusion....

I plan on corrupting my Wizard with the Mark of Passage this way...

Festivus wrote:

My players are having a rough time of it right now in AoW, so I decided that we are going to level bump them a touch. Being a firm believer in no such thing as a free lunch, can anyone suggest an adventure that will take players from level 4 to 5 that might somehow fit between Whispering Cairn and Three Faces of Evil?

I was thinking of having the Seekers send them on a quest to recover something in repayment for saving their hides in that final room.

I say Cry Wolf as its a great module

To combine two ideas, maybe they both fell in love with Celeste and thats what caused the brake up? Or maybe Allustan fell in love with Celeste and Tenser told him not to persue it (cuz he knows she is an outsider but dident want to tell Allustan) and Allustan took that as Tenser meddling in his affiars and/or coveting Celeste?

Sorry for the typo´s english is not my first language...

Dizzyk what program do you use? i like the setup alot and whould like to aquire it.

BTW thanks alot for the conversions i love them. I was thinking of changeing the Lurking Strangles for a living Sleep spell? any thoughts? i also had 2 iron defenders instaid of the wolfs out fron in the wispering cairn. Any ideas to replace the ghoul in the water?

dizzyk wrote:
Red Skull wrote:

Send me a set too

Hey Red Skull, I got a non-delivery notice when I sent to you. Mailbox full. Got another address?

Ah darn can you please try again now? Im not sure what was wrong is it a big file? if so try

Send me a set too

Hey gunni nice to see you like the AoW (i work at a game store and sold him the first magazine) :)

I used Allustan to intro our Wee Jas Priest in the begining of Encounter at Blackwell Keep. He was asking the players to join him and told them that he´d use his connections at the Temple to ask for a cleric to join them (He is a experienced adventurer so he knows your f**ke´d without a cleric)

The player was happy to go and be rid of his embalming duties (he draw the short straw)

Tidwoad freaked when he saw the ring and tried to throw the players out of his store untill a good Intimidate checke was passed

He then told em about the Seekers in length

I have the team Druid/Wizard experience horrible nightmares that show possable futures about the Age of Worms...

His first one was about him and the party members he had not yet met drowning in worms falling from the sky. He noticed that the players where the only ones trying to fight off the worms that where devoering the world and when he met them on the streets the following day he introduced himself and is determined to follow them till the end of the world...

Next one will be about a huge egg cracking open and a full grown Worm/Dragon hybrid crawling out and eating him ;)

When my GF tumbled over bouth the theiflings in the room next to the skeletons in the Hextor temple to backstab one of them and got critted with a greataxe for allmost all her HP (had 3 left or something) but proseeded to kick butt when she landed

that was cool

bromleylaerchenheim wrote:

Actually after the show we discussed what the best way to avoid being trapped by terrain disadvantage would be as it seems to be impossible to deal with the archers from the kennel-master hideout.

Darkvision + Wand of Magic Missile should do the trick ;)

My players are (--- means i cant remember the name but i will try to update it)

Cliff Dimond (Dwarf) 3rd level Cleric of Moradin
Killian (Half Elf) 2nd level Fighter/1st level Sorcerer (going for Eldrich Knight)

--- (Half Elf) 2nd level Fighter
--- (Half Elf) 3rd level Rouge (going for Dungeon Delver or Arcane Trickster)
--- (Human) 1st level Druid (going for Arcane Hirophant (maybe a little Mystic Theurge)

PandaGaki wrote:
The axe idea is a good one. Like you I also don't like killing pc's, no DM should imo, but then again that's another can of worms. Despite not liking it though I do kill them if it happens. Usually this is when they meet a boss monster/npc like for example Ilthane is in my campaign. The reason that Ilthane came back is that she is looking for the ones that meddled in it's affairs, the pc's. But from what I read in your post the axe surely is a nice idea, maybe it has a shine to it and it's actually a silver dragonscale that centuries ago was given to a tribe that had problems with a chromatic dragon and the silver not wanting to have it's involvement to be known left a scale imbued with some of it's powers (bane vs chromatic dragon or something ;). The primitiv tribe made an axe out of it and then used it to defeat the chromatic one. It only activates when it feels a chromatic in the neighborhood.

This can cause problems later in the adventure path in the wormcrawl fissure when flights of cromatic dragons attack the group...

or i can be mistaken :)

I plan on dropping good hints that there will be dragons later in the AP so that players get ready for the action

Our Druid met the group after a vision of worms raining from the sky while he was surrounded by the party members in Epic gear and they where the only one´s he saw fighting of the horrors around them. I plan to start eacg session on him reciving some kind of omen of things to come (including the events in the free city arena and the return to the whispering cairn)

Hi i like the PC´s in the art alot and was thinking if Eric or any of you other guy´s can produce a PDF file with stats and a good picture?

Thanks in advance


farewell2kings wrote:

My current character in a FR campaign is a 3rd level cleric of Cyric/2nd level sorceror--working towards mystic theurge. He has trickery and knowledge as his domains and has very high CHA based skills (total +17 to bluff due to smooth talker FR feat, maxed out ranks, 18 charisma and a magic item).

I like your Cleric alot Farewell2kings

In my party i have a Dwarf Cleric so im pretty well off but i still want one of em to take a Divine Wand class of some sort for back up healing as AoW is a very fatal campain

We have a new player comming tonight so he might support with the healing but if he dosent i might haveto run a DMPC that tanks and heals in some way

I like your idea alot and plan to try to use him in the same way (if he loses all his minions before biting the dust that is)

But as my players prefere to kill Mages first and speak with dead later im not sure thats going to work out for me..


Halfling Slinger
Adrian Ringgarsun

Male Halfling Rogue (knife master) 1: hp 9/9; AC 16/14/13; CMD 12; Init +3; Per +7; F+3/R+6/W+1 (12 posts)
Sun Priestess
Bertrade Kistna

Female Human (Vudran) Cleric (Merciful Healer) of Irori 1; Init +0; AC 17, Touch 10, FF 17; Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +6; Perception +4 (12 posts)
Kreighton Shaine, Maste rof Spells
Bertrand Kistarel
(0 posts)

Female Gerudo Oracle 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 15, T 11, FF 14 | F +2, R +1, W +3 (+2 vs. fear/despair) | Init +1 | Per -1 (17 posts)
Paladin of Iomedae
Ellara VanDerHoefen

Female Human Paladin (Warrior of the Holy Light) 1 (4 posts)
Elurel Seadaughter

Female Changeling Oracle (Waves) 1 | Init -3 | HP 8/8 | AC 17/T 11/F 16 | CMD 13 | F +0/R+1/W+2 | Per +0 (-4 if opposed) (9 posts)
Giorgio Karakos

Male Half-Elf Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 2; Harrow Points 3; Init:+4, AC:15(FF:13/T:12), HP:13/13, F:+3 R:+1 W:+6, Perception +10 (157 posts)
Male Human in Jungle
Jobu the Fisher

Male Human Kineticist 1 | AC:15(FF:13/T:12) CMD:12 HP:13/13 Saves-FO:+6 RE:+4 WI:+0 | Burn: 0/7 (14 posts)
Tribal Seer
Kellara Sheogorath

Female Half-Orc Necromancer (Life) 1 (3 posts)
Madame Ivanja
Laramir Kelthestral

Female Human (Varisian) Sorcerer 3 (4 posts)
Leo Valerius

Male (1 post)
Royster McCleagh
Maxim Kanterhaus

Male Human Fighter (Shielded Fighter) 1 (1 post)
Rosie Cusswell
Melisandra Lee

Female Halfling Bard 1 (1 post)
Erilene Finch
Mowri Windspeaker

Female Halfling Druid (Storm Druid) 1 (1 post)
Marnay Zyrvana
Rusilia Volkit

Female Dwarf Druid (Menhir Savant) 1 (2 posts)
Pirate Queen
Tanaterra Tibeth

Female Halfling Investigator 2 | ♥️ 22/22 | ☘️ 3/3 | ⚕: Ok | AC 17 | Leads 1/2 | ✋: Pursue a Lead (Hendrid Pratchett, open) or Investigate | Passive Senses: Watchful Halfling, That's Odd (40 posts)
Tarja Steelcutter

Female Dwarf Magus 5 | hp 43/43 | AC 17; T 12; FF 16 | CMD 18 (22 vs trip/bull rush) | F +6, R +2, W +5 (+2 vs poison, spells, spell-like abilities) | Init +1 | Per +1 (darkvision) (27 posts)