Kings of the Rift dragon stat block errors

Age of Worms Adventure Path

Sorry if I’m making mistakes but I’d appreciate it if someone could point out where. It seems to me the unique dragons full attack stats are incorrect.

Necrozyte has a BAB +26, STR bonus +10, Amulet +3, and takes a 5 point Power Attack – that should make for a bite +34 (2d8+23), not +32 (2d8+18). Secondary attacks are likewise off by +2 (…+5).

Vermirox: BAB +27, STR +10, 3 pt PA = +34 (…+18), not +32 (…+13). Secondaries also off by +2.

Xyzanth: BAB +33, STR +12, 10 pt PA = +35 (…+28), not +31 (…+22). Secondaries also off by +4.

Brazzemal: BAB +34, STR +14, 10 pt PA = +38 (…+31), not +34 (…+24). Secondaries also off by +4.

Also, Mother Worm: BAB +32, STR +16, 10 pt PA = +38 (…+34), not +30 (…+26). Bite should therefore be +33, not +25.

I don't have the magazine in front of me now to check, but are you including size modifiers in your calculations?

I don't have the issue yet myself, but it does sound like you've forgotten the size modifiers. :)

You guys are absolutely right. I was forgetting size modifiers. Thanks!

I don't know why the damage bonuses don't match up, though.

Gold Katana wrote:
I don't know why the damage bonuses don't match up, though.

According to the Monster Manual (page 69), a Huge Dragon does 2d8 points of damage with its bite, plus the modifier for Strength.

In this case add another +8 to the damage (3 for the amulet, 5 for the power attack).

Perhaps you're adding 1.5x the Strength modifier? If so, that is only the case when the creature has one form of natural attack (like, for instance, a wolf or dire wolf). Likewise the modification for the power attack doubling in the case of a two handed weapon doesn't apply to a natural attack.

Hope this helps,


Yes, Rhen, you are right. Thank you.

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