walter mcwilliams |

I havent used it for false or real treasue, however it also talks about the availability of maps of public buildings. I a nice encounter set up for the party to purchase / obtain a map the Temple of Wee Jas before they raid the place in Soul Pillars. The party missed the op and my nice hand drawn and weathered old map was not used. It sucks when game prep gets wasted. I will just have to take my frustrations out on the party with a Ike.

Gwydion |

In the HC SCAP there is a store that sells treasure maps. As anyone done anything with this? The book suggests that there is no garauntee on the authenticity of these maps. So has anyone used a map sold from this shop to lead the party to a real treasure horde? Perhaps to tie in with the AP?
One of my players is a envoy from Shou who is looking for new trade routes. He has spent quite a bit of time poring over the documents, but is not quite sure if he wants to spend the cash on them.
I've used the Westkey Emporium as an excuse to throw some IC knowledge towards the players - side comments that locate a few key areas through IC interaction. It seems to be working quite well, because they'll go to Westkey to find out where someone lives or works rather than wander around in the city.

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If you are interested in using the store in the campaign you could introduce it as early as chapter one. Instead of finding the map of Jzadirune you can have the PCs acquire one from the emporium. Since the map would be accurate enough the PCs might feel comfortable enough to go back and get more maps that can be used for side treks or even other parts of the AP. And it would be inaccurate enough to remind players of the dangers of trusting too much in maps.
To get the PCs to try this you can make a not too subtle hint of "you might want a map," or as another possibility the search of Keygan's bedroom (or elsewhere in the workshop) turns up instead of the map a hand written receipt from the mapmaker for the purchase of the map from Keygan.
IMC one of my PCs has a gnomish contact who dabbles in numerous financial endeavors waiting for his one big score. As the campaign starts he's selling maps (some of which, like the map of Jzadirune, have been acquired through rather shady means) later for the flood festival he'll be operating a sausage cart or something but if the PCs need maps later he'll direct them to his one-time-competitor.

Gwydion |

On the subject of maps, on SCAP p42, top of the second column, it says that Keygan can provide a worn map of Jzadirune to the players - Players Map of Jzadirone appears on the following page.
So what then is the purpose of J16 Map Room, if the players already have a map?
If you look at the handout of Keygan's map, you will see that it is not entirely accurate. It does not note any secret rooms and the distances are off by a fair amount.
The map room also does not reveal any secret rooms, but it is a much closer representation of the actual layout of Jzadirune.