Marc Radle's Old Account |

I was checking out Wizards 2006 product section of their website and came across this ... "Thirty Years of Adventure: A Celebration of Dungeons & Dragons" (here is the link if your interested: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=products/dndant/965557400)
Anyway, I'm confused. This looks exactly like a book I picked up at the book store well over 6 months ago (Absolutely FANTASTIC book by the way!!!), yet the web site is showing it as new for 2006. In fact, it says it comes out this month. Huh?!?!?!
Does anyone have any insite into this? Is this some kind of re-release of the book or something???

Marc Radle's Old Account |

Ah ... I'll bet that's it! The price is only about $24.99 or so and I know I paid much more than that. It is a GREAT book though, regardless of the format, especially for those of us that have been playing for a long time ... lots and lots of memories kind of flood back when you page through that book.