Amaril |

So I have one problem with Campaign Workbook, and it's the value that it has to me as a DM.
"But Amaril, that doesn't make sense!"
Sure it does. It's so valuable to me that I find it frustrating that I can't recall what issue a particular article was in, or that the article existed to begin with. An indexed compendium would be extremely helpful and a very useful product.
In fact, this doesn't even have to be a compendium per se. Paizo could publish looseleaf printouts that could be bought seperately and placed into a binder so that DMs could compile their own Campaign Workbook that has only the content they desire. Heck, I'd even buy PDFs.
Imagine an online catalog with a brief synopsis for each article. If an article piques my interest, I buy it and add it to my personal workbook.

windnight |

a compilation of campaign workbook articles sounds cool, but I know that i'd probably buy something else instead. don't get me wrong, the workbook is great as a regular feature of dungeon, but there's a lot of other gaming material that i'd rather spend my money on first.
on the other hand, a "monsters of dungeon" hardcover, featuring all the new monsters that have graced the pages of dungeon during it's run? i'd buy that in a heartbeat.

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Here's the easy answer:
Make it available in .pdf. Sell it as a subscribeable download. Paizo can update it on a regular basis and subscribers can download with the new updates. Moreover, if it catches on, others can subscribe.
I did consider scanning all the campaign workbook sections into one .pdf for my own personal use, but honestly, I simply haven't the time. So, I certainly would be a subscriber!

Krypter |

Heh, I was just going to put up this exact request, but you beat me to it, Amaril. I would love a compiled Campaign Workbook Compendium. Those articles are really cool and insanely useful. It's an extremely good compilation of all the little things that turn a good DM into a great DM. The PDF idea is good, as this kind of compilation wouldn't need a hardback book to sell well. I've been photocopying some of these articles when I can, but it's such a pain, and I would love to have them all nicely bound in a complete collection. How about it, Mr. Mona?

Amaril |

Here's the easy answer:
Make it available in .pdf. Sell it as a subscribeable download. Paizo can update it on a regular basis and subscribers can download with the new updates. Moreover, if it catches on, others can subscribe.
I did consider scanning all the campaign workbook sections into one .pdf for my own personal use, but honestly, I simply haven't the time. So, I certainly would be a subscriber!
Hmm, I'd rather be able to pick and choose what goes into my unique Campaign Workbook rather than subscribe and get things that I might not particularly care for. Individual printer-friendly PDFs would work well and could sell cheaply enough to reduce piracy.