What the heck?!?!? - Realms of the Deep anthology question


My apologies if this is not the appropriate place for this question, but I have to ask... what the heck is the deal with the Realms of the Deep anthology?!?

I read the original Threat from the Sea series (one of my all time favorites) but never picked up the anthology. I collect most of the D&D fiction and I positively haunt used bookstores. You can find almost all of the D&D fiction in paperback for $1 - $10. Except this one.

I never picked it up when I have seen it in the past (my mistake!), but now that I'm looking for it (I read an interesting synopsis of some of the stories), I'm seeing prices of $25-$75! This is from EBay Stores and ABEBooks. For a paperback less than six years old! An anthology, which are usually the worst sellers! What's up? Does anyone have any insight as to why this one book, out of all the D&D fiction books, is so highly valued by used bookdealers?

Probably a low print run -- since WotC doesn't disclose print runs and sales figures, we can't know for sure. Less likely possibility is a 'bubble' where something gains a self-sustaining reputation of rarity and expense.

Actually, it is not the first time with WotC books. When I bought the Legend of the Five Rings series all the books, save one (Book 6 of 7) were available through retail sources. Try to Find book 6 (Dragon clan novel) and you were looking at 100.00 or more on Amazon and it was not available on Ebay. I think it is the publisher who is at fault. I suggest you keep looking. Eventually I found the book for 5 bucks and snagged it up.

Incidentally, I own that book. It is in pristine condition-never read. I picked it up by accident. I've never really been interested in anthologies (save Thieves' World). I would be willing to let it go for 10 bucks, plus shipping. If you are interested, post back.

Thanks for the offer DarkWolf, I really do appreciate it, but I actually managed to snag one off EBay for a great price a couple of days ago. I'm just flabbergasted at the price set by these booksellers and hadn't seen other examples of game related fiction selling for these (extremely high) prices. I'll keep my eye open for the LO5R novel you mention!

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