Khay003 |

I'm sorry for bringing this up again, but i am about to DM teh AoW CAmpaign in Eberron. I read about the conversions some of you guys made, but i'm still not very much convinced. I liked one that turned Kyuss into an elf from house Vol. can anyone give me some more ideas about a possible conversion, without a significant alteration to the tone of the Eberron campaign setting? thanx

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I'm sorry for bringing this up again, but i am about to DM teh AoW CAmpaign in Eberron. I read about the conversions some of you guys made, but i'm still not very much convinced. I liked one that turned Kyuss into an elf from house Vol. can anyone give me some more ideas about a possible conversion, without a significant alteration to the tone of the Eberron campaign setting? thanx
look at the "Warforged in AOW" thread I started several weeks ago. It had an idea for a new version of Kyuss worms called "Wormforged".

Russell Jones |

I believe the conversions suggested in the online supplements (and the issue of Dragon that discusses the rakshasa Rajahs) have an excellent take on Kyuss in Eberron. Ditto to the wormforged as well... they're making an appearance in my upcoming Spire of Long Shadows. Another change I'm making is Magepoint: instead of keeping it off the coast of southern Breland, I'm moving it to the northern coast of Argonnesson and turning the island into a city built inside a volcano's caldera, a la Cauldron in the SCAP. Manzorian will also be a red dragon, just to give the players something to worry about ("Yes, I KNOW he's not supposed to be evil just because he's red... but I STILL don't trust him...) ;)

Khay003 |

thanks for the suggestion, but i'd like to know if any of you guys are envolving the blood of vol in the ebon triad or anywhere in teh campaign. I think that it'd be cool for the blood of vol to at least play some part in the AoW campaign, but i haven't seen anything talking about it. any more suggestions?

Russell Jones |

You're replacing the archons, right?
Yes indeedy. And maybe adding one to the lich's encounter as a lackey: I know that's a bit tricky, what with raising the CR and all, but I'm pretty sure I can get away with it given the power of my current party (They've been wiping everything with alarming regularity).
Also, wormforged (depending on if they still count as undead or not...) may give artificers another chance to really shine with their anti-construct infusions.