A DMs wish - an online NPC stat block "bank"


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Bug Found: It no longer displays "Approval Pending" next to new stat blocks on the "Edit my Stat Blocks" page.

Thanis Kartaleon wrote:
Humbly requesting more room on the Size & Type line...

Done. Also added more room in Melee/Ranged attacks, as the longer blocks were getting cut off.

I love it!

Added hair & eye color, height, Thanis. :-D

Thanis Kartaleon wrote:
Rothandalantearic wrote:
Ultradan wrote:
How about just Lilithid?


If anybody writes that one up, its the next BBEG I place in my new dungeon "Halls of the Cyclops King". :-)

Coming right up... :-D

Fixed. (duh...)

Thanis Kartaleon wrote:
Bug Found: It no longer displays "Approval Pending" next to new stat blocks on the "Edit my Stat Blocks" page.

This is done - click on any header will let you sort it by that header, clicking again will reverse the order.

Lilith wrote:
Dryder wrote:
The "Browse All" list is very helpful. Is it possible to change it in this way, that we could kind of sort it by clicking on the column headers (Name, Gender, Classes, CR, Campaign and Hook), so that if I click on CR the list changes in this way, that CR1/2 is on top and CR22 is the last entry?
Don't worry, it made sense. Adding on my To-Do list.

Well... I was posting lilithid's quasit... but then I bumped the power button and the computer started shutting down... *cry*

You'd have to give Lilithid two familiars, Thunin and Munin (Thought & Memory). :-P Maybe and imp and a quasit?

EDIT A small adjustment, but in the light of Thanis' issue, you can now save partially completed stat blocks. Minor, but useful. :-D

Thanis Kartaleon wrote:
Well... I was posting lilithid's quasit... but then I bumped the power button and the computer started shutting down... *cry*

The Exchange

Hey Lilith,
Just a random thought culled from another thread I was reading. How hard would it be to have a button to press to convert the long version into a 3x5 stat card size for printout? It would be uber-cool but I would imagine it would be an awful lot of work.


It wouldn't be hard, actually - most of the hard work is already done. I may work on this tonight - sounds like fun.

Fake Healer wrote:

Hey Lilith,

Just a random thought culled from another thread I was reading. How hard would it be to have a button to press to convert the long version into a 3x5 stat card size for printout? It would be uber-cool but I would imagine it would be an awful lot of work.


The Exchange

Hey Lilith, is there anyway this thing can watch my kids for me on game nights? I'm sure it would be difficult but.....
Seriously, I am so damn impressed by the skills you have displayed thus far, that I feel bad making requests for additional tweaks. Was it you that was promoted in a previous post? If not, an epic crime is being commited. The amount and quality of your "leisure time" projects reflect on your truely gifted intelligence. Thank you for making my, and many others, lives so much easier.

Lilith Rocks!

Big time agreement!

Aww, dank yew guys...*ahem*

More updates -
* 3x5 block format, I think. I've compressed down the stat blocks which could theoretically fit on a 3x5 card, but I haven't tried it to be sure. There's a link on the details page, right above the CR - "3x5 card" if anyone wants to give it a whirl.
* Changed layout a bit. I wanted the header to be a bit less intrustive, so I shrunk it down a bit.

FakeHealer, I'm not sure what I could come up with for your kids, but maybe gimme a weekend...Kidding! It's kinda weird, but I enjoy projects like this, especially when I know people appreciate it (which is usually a far cry when I employ those skills at work).

Thanks for all y'alls continued support in this - I love seeing the new stat blocks that come along!

3x5 cards! 3x5 cards! 3x5 cards! 3x5 cards! 3x5 cards! I run my games off 3x5 cards and had been begging for PDF's of Dungeon stat blocks from Paizo so I could cut and paste them on to these verysame cards....

This is so awesome!!!!!!! ::giggles and prances around::

(In the interest of avoiding "ugly mental pictures" springing up everywhere this is read--please delete this post from your memory after you read it--thank you!)

If I could heap more praise on Lilith, I would, but she wouldn't be able to breathe--thanks so much!!

I've found that these are clean to use and great for reusable applications. Little handheld adhesive applicators are great as well. :-D

So it looks like some Dungeon NPCs are going to be showing up in the Stat Block Bank, eh?

farewell2kings wrote:
3x5 cards! 3x5 cards! 3x5 cards! 3x5 cards! 3x5 cards! I run my games off 3x5 cards and had been begging for PDF's of Dungeon stat blocks from Paizo so I could cut and paste them on to these verysame cards....

I don't know--I'm not going to put anything from a published product on the 'net (paranoia again--darn those 1980's), but I'll be busy putting other stuff up, that's for sure. If you've noticed most of my NPC's tend to be pretty conservative. I'm not a big fan of multi-templated freaks of whatever might resemble nature--but I appreciate those contributors who are, because I sure can use those things as a surprise for my players.

Found a bug!

I'm not sure how to say this... but I can't log out. I want to set my friend up with an account so he can post some of his builds...

Thanks in advance, Lilith!

*rattles the bars to his cage, but is stuck in Lilithid's Menagerie*

"Help, help! Somebody get me outta here!"


The Exchange

Wow Lilith, you are amazing! The 3x5 seems to work fine by my tests! I can't believe that I now have an easily accessible resource for NPC stats and a full stat page, with a 3x5 option. I will probably print every single one of these guys out in both formats at some time!

Lilith rocks! Now about watching my kids.....

Bit of trouble squeezing the stat blocks on to 3x5 cards, but I think it's my crappy printer more than anything. I can always print them out on regular paper and cut them out, but they fit on 4x6 cards just fine. I use 3x5 and 4x6 cards interchangeably, so it's no big deal and awesomely useful either way.

Thanks to Lilith for the hard work & Marc Chin for a wonderful idea.

Logging out should kill the cookie that keeps you logged in. If it doesn't, just delete the cookie in question, then reload the page. That will log you out of the Guild.

Thanis Kartaleon wrote:

Found a bug!

I'm not sure how to say this... but I can't log out. I want to set my friend up with an account so he can post some of his builds...

Thanks in advance, Lilith!

Hah hah hah! Now I have a rakshasa for my menagerie! *Runs to the brain pool for an illithid tadpole*

Thanis Kartaleon wrote:

*rattles the bars to his cage, but is stuck in Lilithid's Menagerie*

"Help, help! Somebody get me outta here!"


Lilith wrote:
Logging out should kill the cookie that keeps you logged in. If it doesn't, just delete the cookie in question, then reload the page. That will log you out of the Guild.

Oddly... I deleted ALL my cookies... and it still won't log out. o.O?

If I note my "sources used" as {Core Only}, can you use that as a link?

Try clearing out your browser cache as well, close & restart browser.

Using the {Core Only} tag should work, but I'll probably end up doing something similar to the keyword system for sourcebook inclusion/exclusion. :-P

Thanis Kartaleon wrote:
Lilith wrote:
Logging out should kill the cookie that keeps you logged in. If it doesn't, just delete the cookie in question, then reload the page. That will log you out of the Guild.
Oddly... I deleted ALL my cookies... and it still won't log out. o.O?

Yay! I have escaped! *runs around like a 'foo, is promptly run over by a bus*

The Exchange

I am having loads of fun with the 3x5 feature of the site, thanks Lilith. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what "Awakening" the "Ferret of Legend" would do to its CR? I am making 3x5s of the weird animals just because they are too cool! (holy cow!, ferret, Fiendish beef). Thanks again, Lilith, they work perfectly!


Since awaken gives an additional +2 HD, I would think increase it by 2.

Fake Healer wrote:
I was wondering if anyone could tell me what "Awakening" the "Ferret of Legend" would do to its CR?

Fake Healer wrote:
I was wondering if anyone could tell me what "Awakening" the "Ferret of Legend" would do to its CR?

Actually, the FoL, being an outsider, is not an applicable target for the awaken spell, which can only affect animals and normal plants (not plant creatures). However, in becoming a monster of legend, the FoL's Intelligence was increased to 4, effectively awakening it (if not so much as the awaken spell is capable of doing).

Though I'm sure that if a wizard/druid/etc. was dead set on granting it higher intelligence and hit dice a la the awaken spell, he could probably research a new spell (though at a higher spell level) to do the job.

The titanic puppy, on the other hand, is a perfectly viable target for awaken.

Have added a "Fantasy Grounds XML" export option, though I haven't tested it yet.

Fixed a minor error in the Card export (it wasn't exporting SR and patron deity correctly).

Thanis Kartaleon wrote:
Rothandalantearic wrote:
Ultradan wrote:

How about just Lilithid?



If anybody writes that one up, its the next BBEG I place in my new dungeon "Halls of the Cyclops King". :-)

Coming right up... :-D


Thanis, you did right by the gal. To top it off, the random NPC traits given included "Appearence: scars, eyepatch" (it was meant to be)

Will be uploading some new wacky beasties when one of my players gets the stats to me. Think a gnome half-dragon werebear will fit? :-)

Just found this thread and glanced at the site. Wow!

Looks like I'll have to post a few NPC's of my own up there when I get chance. Wonder if I can find the details for the Doppelganger Sorceror I created (but never used) in an old campaign...

I have no shame.
Thanis' request thread

Thanis Kartaleon wrote:
I have no shame.

And by the quantity of NPC stats you put out, you have no life either!

(Just kidding Thanis! Keep up the good work, it's appreciated!)

Sir Kaikillah wrote:

Thanks to Lilith for the hard work & Marc Chin for a wonderful idea.


Hey, I just wanted to spark an idea... Little did I know that it was to turn out to be a powderkeg of Web-coding expertise that is the Lilithid...

Dungeon should do a write-up of this little gem of collaborative DMing...


Marc Chin wrote:

Dungeon should do a write-up of this little gem of collaborative DMing...



Just wanted to say 'hi' and thanks for such an ace resource. Thought I'd give something back too and made a submission. ;)
First time I've ever waited for approval...



You've done been approved. Cool concept!

tallforadwarf wrote:


Just wanted to say 'hi' and thanks for such an ace resource. Thought I'd give something back too and made a submission. ;)
First time I've ever waited for approval...



*DING!* Updates!

Added Search feature! (yay, woo-hoo!) Caveat: Only does searches on keywords, will expand to include other categories.

Added "Browse by Sourcebook". Will let you browse by a particular book (or magazine issue).

w00t! I got more stuff done!

Next up - Request feature!

Updates again. You now have the ability to add "comments" to your stat blocks, so you can add creation notes and that sort of thing.

Search will now include names. (Try searching for illithid for example.)

I think I may have discovered a neat way to do Requests, so I will be working on that next.

Yup, it's a slow day at work.

Request feature up & running. :-D Any problems, email me.
Search will include creature types as well - see this example.

Ummm...what's next...*looks at to-do list*

One other improvement that I did that was bugging the heck out of me - line breaks in the larger statblocks are automagically converted to HTML breaks. So all you gotta do is press the enter key in the large blocks, instead of adding "< br / >" yourself. :-D

I just popped onto the site, and I have to say, it looks great! I haven't checked this thread in a looong time, however, so rather than taking hours to read through the whole thing, can sumone summarize the submissions procedure? I've got three drow and a hobgoblin who'd like to join the club!

It's pretty straightforward - register at the site as a user, then you can start adding things right away. There's a menu at the top right of the page for all of your needs. Stat blocks are in the format presented in DMG II (and seen in more recent Dungeon mags). To get an idea of what things go where, take the time to cruise through some of the other blocks on the site. If you do have any problems, I'm just a click away on the "Support" link.

There is the option to "save and come back later" if you wish to do so. Your block will go through a checkover by me (to make sure you're not missing any critical information) and then it will get approved.

Saern wrote:
I just popped onto the site, and I have to say, it looks great! I haven't checked this thread in a looong time, however, so rather than taking hours to read through the whole thing, can sumone summarize the submissions procedure? I've got three drow and a hobgoblin who'd like to join the club!

Woops- I got the drow on there, but needed to edit them and used the back button instead of "Edit", so now you've got a few doppelgangers in there. Sorry about that. Just delete the first ones submitted of each. I'd e-mail you, but my computer is being difficult at the moment.

Very good system, though! More to come later.

Just edit them and add more levels in their classes. :-D

Saern wrote:

Woops- I got the drow on there, but needed to edit them and used the back button instead of "Edit", so now you've got a few doppelgangers in there. Sorry about that. Just delete the first ones submitted of each. I'd e-mail you, but my computer is being difficult at the moment.

Very good system, though! More to come later.

Liberty's Edge

Hey Lilith, I know I've emailed you already with a few suggestions, but you're doing so well, here's another one. How about a field called "Stat Generation" where the folks that enter an NPC can mention how they generated their stats. Examples would be 3d6, 4d6, 4d6-L (drop lowest), and 28 point buy. I'm making this request after looking over some of the CR 1 NPC stats. Some folks must be using 40 point buy or something similar.

Shawn S.

Shawn S. wrote:
How about a field called "Stat Generation" where the folks that enter an NPC can mention how they generated their stats.


Well, actually, zeroed, since I put this in on page 3, but thanks Shawn for bringing more attention to it. I try to use 26 point buy (essentially the elite array) with most of my NPCs, or 15 point buy if they're nonelite, ordinaries. I don't stat out too many ordinaries, though.

Hey Lilith,

I need either a new entry for Defense Options, or more room on the AC line. :-P Ya, I know, I'm totally using and abusing the html formatting priveliges...

The Dragonslayer is finished! The Dragonslayer is finished! Behold his glory!

w00t! Post 200 in this topic.

Have done the following:

1.) Added a "Defense Options" box under the "Attack Options" fields.
2.) Made it so that it will not generate an NPC physical traits if said fields are filled out. Moved it so those statistics were in the sidebar.
3.) Added the ability to send a comment to the author about a stat block in case there are questions and whatnot.


Any stat generation notes can be added in the "Comments" field.

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