Celric |

Are you refering to the force missile mage from Dragon Magizine or the ... Um... grey hand mage (maybe) from the FR Waterdeep: City of Splendors book? I doubt that's the actual name of the class, but I do remember the artwork had a female elven mage in a halfshirt and a huge (looked like) bigby's hand spell in the foreground.
Hope that help a bit anyway ;)

Celric |

Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Sebastian wrote:The Argent Savant from the CA is a 5 level class that specializes in force spells.
I thought there was one in Complete Arcane. Something like the Argent Master or such. It doesn't say "force" in the name.
Oh yeah, crap - what they said. Apparently reading books one on top of the other is not condusive to cross-referencing within your own mind :)
Well, either that or there are too many Prestige Classes, but I doubt that's the case...