"Force Mage" (or sim) prestige class? Help!!


I coulda sworn I once saw a prestige class for a mage specializing in force spells, but for the life of me cannot find ot nor remember the proper name of it. Help!!

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

"Force Missile Mage" from DRAGON #328, or can be found in the DRAGON Compendium.

Are you refering to the force missile mage from Dragon Magizine or the ... Um... grey hand mage (maybe) from the FR Waterdeep: City of Splendors book? I doubt that's the actual name of the class, but I do remember the artwork had a female elven mage in a halfshirt and a huge (looked like) bigby's hand spell in the foreground.

Hope that help a bit anyway ;)

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

I thought there was one in Complete Arcane. Something like the Argent Master or such. It doesn't say "force" in the name.

Sebastian wrote:

I thought there was one in Complete Arcane. Something like the Argent Master or such. It doesn't say "force" in the name.

The Argent Savant from the CA is a 5 level class that specializes in force spells.

Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Sebastian wrote:

I thought there was one in Complete Arcane. Something like the Argent Master or such. It doesn't say "force" in the name.
The Argent Savant from the CA is a 5 level class that specializes in force spells.

Oh yeah, crap - what they said. Apparently reading books one on top of the other is not condusive to cross-referencing within your own mind :)

Well, either that or there are too many Prestige Classes, but I doubt that's the case...

There they are: both Force Missile and Argent Savant.

Thanks all!

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