Sour Heck |

Checkin' in!
I’m thinking about buying the campaign setting Rule of Fear to learn more about Ustalav for this campaign. Also, for fun. If I do, will it spoil any elements of this adventure path for me?

Peredur ap Erevel |

In case we need to refer to the previous threads, could you put a link to them in the Campaign Info?

Eloise Tow |

Peredur ap Erevel |

Apologies for interrupting with some shameless begging, but I'm looking for 2-3 replacement players in a PbP I'm running HERE. The party is currently fifth level and consists of a human destined sorcerer, a half-elf ranger (with big cat animal companion), and a gnome summoner. Drop me a PM if you're interested.

Sour Heck |

A quick list of treasure we divided up after the prison. Add to your character sheet if you haven’t already.
Everyone has:
one Lesser Restoration potion
three flasks of holy water
Talia has:
one healing kit
the spirit planchette
1 wand of Hold Person with 11 charges
Eloise has:
mithril masterwork dagger
masterwork crossbow
ten +1 crossbow bolts
masterwork chain
a stone of Alarm
one Remove Disease potion
two Cure Moderate Wounds potions
Iesha has:
+1 heavy mace
+1 ring of protection
masterwork crossbow
ten +1 crossbow bolts
masterwork chain
one Protection from Evil scroll
one dose bloodblock
one dose antitoxin
one dose smelling salts
Peredur has:
+1 keen longsword
+1 handaxe
two +1 undead bane arrows
four +1 ghost touch arrows
10 arrows +1
masterwork studded leather
masterwork thieves’ tools
one Remove Disease potion
two Cure Moderate Wounds potions

Iesha Shadowstar-Petrosca |

Totally OT Dragon!

Peredur ap Erevel |

Understandable. Moving is always a pain. Thanks for the update, and good luck with the move.

Sour Heck |

Good luck! I hope you found good movers. I’ve had a string of friends who had bad experiences with less-than-professional teams. Definitely worth the cost of hiring from a well-known company.

Eloise Tow |

My home network is down AGAIN! >_<
I have no idea how long this is going to take to be fixed. I'll try to keep up with posting, but please DMPC me if necessary... I hope to be back fulltime soon.

Peredur ap Erevel |

Moving is always a pain. Glad to have you back with us.

Eloise Tow |

I'm glad to hear we're still on. ^_^ Good luck with the rest of the move.

Eloise Tow |

I'm thinking...
Minor image
Both have much to recommend them, but I don't have the cash to buy and scribe both, so I'll decide in the traditional way of my people: 1d2 ⇒ 1.
(Yes, I was referring to gamers as 'my people'. ;) )
Blur it is! Spellcraft to learn: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13
Naah! :-| I've been having rotten luck, rolling to scribe new spells in my book lately! Oh, well. I at least have a scroll of Blur for when we really need it, and I can skip the 40 gp scribing fee...

DM Corvus |

as established in our previous thread, so many many months ago, when a magus levels up, the free spells they would get will instead function as immediate passes on their attempts to learn / transcribe new spells.
i believe you should be able to get this one as a reward for leveling no? Unless you previously spent the slots at Alendru's way back in ravengro?

Eloise Tow |

Yeah, I got some new spells back then. ^^
Unless the librarian helping me constitutes a +4 bonus to my Spellcraft check, I have a scroll and that's that.

Eloise Tow |

I never have, my good sir, and hopefully I never shall such an unkind thing! ^^

DM Corvus |

It pains me to say this, truly, but I am going to have to bring this campaign to an end.
Unfortunately / Fortunately, I've gotten something of a promotion, and the time I usually spent dedicated to this and other PBP endeavors has vanished.
So, thank you one and all, this has been a lot of fun. you've made a good adventure path great with awesome characters and RP, and I hope when I have more opportunity to participate in PBP again we can roll together in the future.
All the best,

Eloise Tow |

Augh. :(
*sigh* I'm really enjoying this game...
Good luck to you, of course, DM Corvus. I do not begrudge you your success and hope to see you around again.
To the other players: shall we try to recruit another DM to guide us through/into the darkness of Ustalav? We have a wonderful group, and I'd hate to see this game end when we've gotten this far.

Peredur ap Erevel |

Congrats on the promotion, DM C, and good luck.
Recruiting a replacement is worth a try; not many people get to do the second parts of APs on the boards.

Eloise Tow |

Right, then. I'll set up a recruitment post and link to here.
Let's keep our fingers crossed...

Sour Heck |

Congratulations on your promotion! May your new responsibilities bring you at least as much joy as PBeM did. :)
I’m afraid that a new GM might fall short of Corvus’s performance and sully our memories of an otherwise fine campaign. If one of you has a solid replacement in mind, someone mature, active and creative, I’m open to the idea, but I’d rather wrap up here than let a random stranger take over.

Eloise Tow |

Alright, recruitment post up! Let's hope we get a few good nibbles soon. ^^ DM Corvus, I realize you're going to be busy soon, but will you be available to show any prospective new DM the ropes in the form of secret plot points you may have concocted and whatnot?

Eloise Tow |

Sour Heck, I have made sure to add your requirements to the recruitment post. ^^ It'll probably limit the number of applicants slightly, but they are good requirements...!

Peredur ap Erevel |

Sour Heck--agreed. We'll have to vet for a lot of things, not the least of which is compatibility with the play style we've gotten used to with DM C. Though I think volunteers for the GM hat are rare enough that we're not likely to get someone casual.

Eloise Tow |

All we can do right now is wait, I'm afraid... Let's see what comes.
If we don't have a good applicant by next week Friday, I think we can - sadly - call it a game. Agreed?

Iesha Shadowstar-Petrosca |

Darn it! I'd love to keep going, so I hope we can recruit a new gm.
If not, it's been fun.

Eloise Tow |

My dear colleagues of the Hawthorn Society: would two to three story updates per week be acceptable?
It sounds good to me... ^^

Peredur ap Erevel |

Slow and steady is better than nonexistent. Yes.

Iesha Shadowstar-Petrosca |

I can live with that.

Storycrafter |

To the esteemed members of the Hawthorne Societie,
I hope this letter finds you in good spirits and in better health. Word of your exploits has reached my ears this very day from the local news crier. I feel obligated to reach out to you with this dispatch, and inform you of my interest in your activities there in Ravengro. I am dispatching my best scribe north at once to enjoin with you, and I entreat you to relay to him a detailed study of your exploits, though I know you have little enough time to do so what with all of your energies focused on cleansing and scouring.
In return for your assistance with his recordings, I will make sure that your names are indelibly inscribed in the annals of history. Both here in Oppara and in every city and town between here and Ustalav. My current business is in the trade of stories, and I just have a feeling yours is just unfolding and will be epic and exciting. Villagers and noblepeople will sing of your praises for generations to come. Grandparents will tell their grandchildren of your heroic deeds.
If that offer isn't enticing enough (and who would pass on such fame and glory), my agent is authorized to make a substantial donation in your name to the charity of your choice. Substantial.
You will recognize my scribe by his tall and portly appearance. He will be dressed very plainly, and will be wearing the thickest of glasses. His penchant for wine is matched in magnitude only by his lack of table manners. While he may seem crude to some, I find his work impeccable. He is my best employee. The fact that he is my only living employee has no bearing on this matter.
My heart races in anticipation to read what new feats of derring-do you may perform. I have complete confidence that you will find my offer irresistible, and will oblige me with this princely favor.
Your greatest aficionado from afar,
Ernst Gagnum
Former story collector to the emperor of Talidor,
Doctor of phrenology, philology, and herpetology,
Former first assistant the Grand and Royal Jester
Winner of the Golden Hawk award for best screenplay for people under three feet

Storycrafter |

I need a day or three to catch up on where you've been and where you may yet be going. In the meantime, if you should happen to find someone more appropriate for your group, then by all means, please run with that. Feel free to continue to recruit.
For the record, I'm a long time player, and long time GM for several systems. I won't state my age, but let's just say I was barely 12 or 13 when I began playing with that pink box. I'm still somewhat fresh off the PbP farm, but I catch on quick enough.
My typical posting rate may slow to as low as 3 times a week, although I'm capable of posting more frequently if properly prodded. I have PM'd Sir Corvus, and have (hopefully) humbly enough requested his insights into the campaign and group.

Sour Heck |

Thanks for stepping in, Storycrafter. Perhaps a slower response rate will give us more incentive for intraparty roleplay.
I'm looking forward to our new start.