Blueberry |
I'm running a GH campaign right now and taking the group back into a town they've been to before (major modification of Brindinford from a Wizards mod, basically using the Map only). Having to many irritating adult responsibilities, I don't create all my own stuff, but modify it heavily and I'm looking for resources, from Dungeon, Dragon or anywhere, PDF's etc. folks have liked as small city/large town resources.
Any feedback appreciated.
The basic scenario is that the party has had to escape the town once already, they accomplished some other objectives and their main villain, a wily succubus, has fled back to the town.
They need to get in and deal w/ the villain w/o killing an entire town. So far, I've got a possessed and tough captain of the guard, the succubus, a possessed cleric and an assassin, as well as the watch and some underlings for them to deal with, but I'm looking for some options to expand and kick around.
Thanks in advance.
ignimbrite78 |
I have tried to run city campaigns and have found the following helpful:
Sharn: City of towers, provides some good references, but without detailed maps.
City State of the Invincible Overlord, provides some good politics, maps etc for a campaign.
Thieves' Quater: A City Resource Sourcebook, great if you want to drop a seedy district into an existing city. Good maps and plot hooks.