Blue Slaad

Blueberry's page

32 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I just downloaded and reviewed. There is some power creep, but honestly, I think most of the prestige classes are unneccessary clutter anyway. I guess I'm not a huge fan of them and the ones I have used are homegrown and very plot connected. As the DM for my group, I want prestige classes to be just that and I'm old school enough (having played all of the editions up until now, AD&D the most as a kid, 3 and 3.5 as an adult)that I've never been a big fan of class blocks that look like 2/3/4/2/2 in terms of levels/classes/prestige classes, so I'm good with it. I regularly have had to bump up monsters anyway and I like that 1st level characters get more relevant and overall, LOVE the product, PAIZO ROCKS! I'm gonna use all my 3/3.5 books and see no problems with this, but haven't tried it yet.

Just to pile on to the nearly 1000 posts already. I'm 36 and have come to grips with the fact that I am not part of the "new" generation, I am part of MY generation. If I want something to mimic a video game, I'll buy a video game. I didn't see 3.5 as so much of an improvement that it justified the money grab, so for me 4.0 is a no go just on principle. For my money, yep, my money, the Paizo products have been superior to the brand for some time now. I have no need of a 4th Ed., 3.x does everything I want to do. Just like I have no need for 10 million supplements, each w/ a new, duplicative, wholly unimaginative, didn't need it in the first place collection of prestige classes to milk even more of my money! I'll take a monthly installment of the Demonomicon of Iggwilve over 15 volumes of fiendish codexes any and every day!

Finally, personally, Erik, you preserved, w/ some help for sure, my favorite campaign setting and supported it, the original GH. So, do what you do. 4.0 holds no love for me. I'll buy 3.x back orders like STAP and SCAP and between this, back issues I have or have/will order and stuff I can *gasp* make up myself, I will never run out of materials or need to convert a darn thing. I'm good. If you continue to make good 3.X stuff that works for me, I'll go for that too!

PS: I don't have an I-phone either - CUZ I DON'T NEED ONE!

Okay, I've officially become a grumpy old man......

Fiendish Dire Weasel wrote:

Another thing I will add is that once you get aboard ship, and I think everyone knows that's where the campaign is heading even if you're not a DM or anything, skills will be important, so a level or two of rogue along the line will be really nice in that regard. In fact, I'd really suggest you consider taking Rogue as your first level, because of the x4 skill points. You can then take several levels of Wizard before revisiting the Rogue for another level or two if you'd like. (Feel free to switch in ninja or scout for rogue if you feel it fits your style better)

You'll want balance and swim for certain, but skills like tumble, jump, climb and so on will have more use than in most ordinary campaigns as well. You might even try to fit in at least a few ranks in profession:sailor. I recommended it highly for my group of PCs for this AP.

Ugggh. You are right, and I almost always want a level in something other than just wizard, but those 2nd level spells are soooooo tempting. I really like the idea of busting off a scorching ray spell w/ a true strike spell in effect to drop 4d6 dam. on somebody at 3rd level.....Ahhhhh, dreams of glory (or gorey).

Well from a pure mechanics point of view, Int and Dex will be key abilities. The Int gives you bonus spells, the higher DC for your spells and the extra skill points. The Dex is key for getting intiative, AC and ranged touch attacks. Feat wise Improved Initiative will do you well. There is nothing more frustrating to have the fighter types run in a ruin your chance for a Fireball or other area effect spell. The sudden feats from Complete Arcane like Sudden Empower or Sudden Widen are very nice for an Envoker. The complete Mage has a nice explaination...


I've got Complete Arcane and just got word that we will start, I don't really know how this will be done, at 3rd level. RE: the open spell slot, this is a cool idea and one I hadn't considered. I will have to adapt, as the last arcane spellcaster I even had, and this was a one shot, mutli-class a looooong time ago, was 2ed, not scribe scroll feat, which I will need to use a good bit also. I selected high INT 1st, w/ decent Dex and Con as well, so htps aren't too bad and I didn't add a rogue level if we are starting at level 3, didn't want to sacrifice the cool 2nd level spells. Is Point Blank Shot at all worthwhile as a feat for a mage that uses RTA's a good bit?

selios wrote:

I would recommend spell focus and greater spell focus since a lot of evocation spells allow a save.

I'm not into prestige classes for every character, but if you plan to multiclass as a rogue, I would strongly suggest to go for arcane trickster or the like, since multiclass character is really not the best option for spellcaster.

Also there is a very good Greyhawk regional feat (in some Dragon 315 if I remember correctly) for wizard, which allow them to choose 4 spells instead of 2 at each level.

I like the feat idea and have this one back ordered, so I'll check this out - really want the options in the spellbook (why I took a mage, even a specialist mage) so this would help.

As it stands, I took toughness and spell focus, along w/ Int 18, and Con 14, so Htps at early levels look good.

Hi all,

I've been DM'ing a homegrown Greyhawk campaign for several years w/ a consistent group. We are wrapping up and will likely be starting the STAP soon, only this time I will join as a player and one of our current players is going to DM.

Okay, big adjustment for me, so I need help. Also, after @ 20 years of playing off and on, I have really never played a straight wizard - ever. However, since our party shapes up as follows, at least from early inclincations, I will likely have a Wizard to fill the gaps (I think we're gonna need an arcane spellcaster, at least at some point), here's the party:

-Swashbuckler - probably human
- Cleric - race unknown
- Rogue/Assassin type - race unknown
- My character.

My goal, and why I need help, I don't really want to go any variants from books other than the PHB, and I don't want a sorcerer, although I may multi-class as rogue or something at some point, mostly for survivability, and if she gets whacked at some point, I may move towards Blood Magus. Concept-wise, I'm thinking female Evoker, inspired by the cover of the Dungeon # 144, from Sasserine, sponsored by whichever family is listed as being generous to a fault in the Player's Guide to the Academy, with a serious dislike for highborn, elitist mages, especially Necromancers and Enchanters (her prohibited schools). Since I think we are starting at 1st level, I need HELP w/ build, advice etc.

Thanks in advance.

On a totally different tangent, but still on the main topic, I like the idea of modified spell casters and think, with some flavor variations, that an Olman character w/ a class based on the Wu Jen from Complete Arcane would have some cool flavor. I don't know how folks on the board feel about the Wu Jen class, but a lot of these features seem to make sense to me for an "exotic" culture like the Olman:

I like the emphasis on spirit magic and the elemental focus, although I might limit access at higher levels to metal spells. Wu Jen could still be village "zombie masters". They are set up as loners/outsiders already and the taboo aspect seems to fit nicely to me, especially considering the fall of the empire and all of this culture's history and misfortune w/ magic. I don't know if anyone has explored this, but I've considered it and think it might be a good fit.

I'd even consider having the spellbook being in different format, such as tablet (think Mayan "calendar), or a patterned weaving or something just plain different.

Food for thought on the magic issue.

"You said earlier that the adventurers may fight Iggwilv with the help of Iuz and/or Grazzt, but what about the common people involved or affected by Iggwilv. People that would rather die than have their loved ones killed or enslaved by demonic hordes. This type of thing might give the dwarf and elf a chance to shine if their people or allies aid in the final battle."

OOOOOH! I like it. "The little people, what about the little people?". I don't know how to make it happen, as they would need to have an enemy to target, as opposed to a dark tomb, but clashing armies is always a nice backdrop, big LOTR feel to it! Even better, maybe this is part of the backdrop needed, maybe a nearby sacrifice of this magnitutde is required for the ritual????

"Also, remember the Grazzt and Iuz are probably plotting something to give them the upper hand after a confrontation with Iggwilv. I wouldn't imagine them spending much more than 50% of their energy in a direct battle."

Yep, I'm working on this. I think Graz'zt will have a clue, I haven't decided yet how aware Iuz will be. I sort of am picturing Graz'zt as not being interested in, or mortal enough to be able to attempt, ascension, so his goal may be to thwart and reimprison Iggwilv and to keep junior down a peg or two. Iuz, I dunno. Weird family dynamic there, to say the least.

"Good luck with your campaign."


Baramay wrote:

First I would like to ask if you have the Iuz the Evil, City of Skulls, or Marklands source books?

Yep, got them.

Good luck, do you have a campaign journal?

No campaign journal, haven't really looked at these yet.

Thanks for feedback!

Luz wrote:

There's a 15th level dungeon in Dungeon #118 called "Throne of Iuz" that takes place entirely in the Vesve that would fit into your campaign perfectly, albeit modified slightly to suit your PCs level. Check that out.

Thanks for the feedback! I've got that one (Dungeon # 118), I like the premise, but I don't really care for the Uber-Orc bad guys. Good stuff to use in there, however.

See reply to Kyr RE: Boneheart, lots of cool ways to go with this one!

Kyr wrote:

Well it depends on the nature of your campaign but from the premise as I understand it, I might do one of four things:

1: Find an evil adversary of Iggwilv - a rival prince that backs the party (through agents - not directly - or at least provides information) however the party has to be wary of what aid is accepted, and watch their backs. I think that presents a lot of opportunity for the introduction of challenges and interesting elements.

Perfect, this is the role I'm using for Graz'zt. Will start in the form of a Thrall of Graz'zt trying to recruit/seduce by half-fiend PC by tempting him and using the logic - the enemy of my enemy is my friend kind of approach to corrupt him.

2: Find a disgruntled minion of Iggwilv - who wants revenge, or even to usurp - and offers aid in secret - the risk being if discovered - you get a lot of direct attention from really powerful bad guys - maybe not even "allies" of Iggwilv but other demons that have an interest in maintaining the status quo.

Or a disgruntled or power hungry minion of Iuz, such as Halga, who has pieced it all together and wants to steal the power of the Soul Husk ritual to take over for the big guy herself....

3: A side adventure that provides the party with key information or an avenue to Iggwilv's realm.

Yep, this would be the "original" Soul Husk adventure, w/ one of the rewards being the discovery that the Soul Husk "technology" actually comes from Iggwilv, not from Iuz - confirmation of Iggwilv's role as antagonist, shift from Iuz as primary enemy.

4: An alliance with a Temple/Church bent on Iggwilv's destruction - putting the party in the position of scouts (initially) and maybe a task force later on.

Slight variation - alliance w/ Perrenland NPC who is both an agent of Perrenland and also, possibly, for Mordenkainen/Circle of Eight, to guide/hire/manipulate the party!

Good suggestions all, grist for the mill and coming together, Thanks! And good luck in the exotic Middle East!

Somewhat Tangential to your questions, but Clerics being one of my favorite classes, I like to modify them heavily based upon the Dieties.

Some examples:
- Heavy Armor proficiency doesn't fit w/ all dieties (why would a priest of a nature diety, such as Ehlonna, stalking through the woods, be proficient w/ Heavy armor???) so I replace w/ a similarly powered feat (as both are feat equivalent). For instance, maybe in the example of a priest of Ehlonna - trade Heavy Armor Proficiency for Limited Martial Weapon Proficiency (Bows).
- Trade ability to turn undead (major special power) for something else, like access to different spells or different class special abilities (maybe a priest of Kord, for instance, can't turn undead, but can rage like a barbarian??? Just a for instance).

In sum, I love the old specialty priests attempts, if not actual implementation and encourage this type of priest customization in our game.

Drig wrote:
I like the fact that the Half-Feind PC is tied in to the plot but make sure that the others have something cool as well so that they don't feel left out at times.

Right on, that's been the attempt, and challenge.

The Dwarven Fighter had to retake (done) and now hold (might tie in some underdark fungoid menace) his ancestral stronghold.

Elvish Bard is now in the Vesve trying to save the last of his clan.

Human Ranger just wants to kill lots and lots of orcs and demons (doing pretty good on this one). So overall, the balancing is tough, but working okay.

In retrospect, more due to player than plot, I would have liked a little less plot connection to the half-fiend, but it's working so far.

Thanks for the reply!

Hi all,

I'm seeking some feedback from anyone willing to chime in - as I'm plotting the next step in a long running and slow moving campaign I've been DMing for about 2.5 years, PC's just at 9th level (yep, real life has really interuppted our gaming).

I've been running a Greyhawk campaign, party met as Merc's in Perrenland, each w/ an agenda. I was using your basic, loosely conceived "Iuz is big and bad" plot line, now, inspired by the very good AP's I've been reading (AOW and ST so far), I need to pick up my game.

Quick synopsis:
Started w/ Iuz seeking to influence Perrenland elections by fomenting unrest in Sepia uplands. PC's uncovered this, thwarted the plans and reclaimed ancient Dwarven stronghold of one of my PC's ancestors (major adaptation of the Forge of Fury published module, maps worked good though).

They've since liberated Schwungelstadt, free border town, but heavily Perrendish, and are currently in the Vesve, hoping to survive a siege, Alamo (or Helm's Deep) style deep in the woods.

My problem: where to go from here. We started and I was just happy to have a gaming group. They are now becoming "significant" nearing that plateau (call me 1st edition old school if you will) of 10th level.

So here are my thoughts, again inspired by the AP's I've been reading.

Iggwilv, not Iuz, is their big nemesis, they just don't know it.

Iggy is seeking to ascend, similar, but stronger, than Iuz did. One of my PC's is a half-fiend, descended from Graz'zt. Iggy is advising and manipulating Iuz to mess w/ Perrenland. Her goal is to distract, rekindle, deep in a hidden chamber in the lost caverns, a ritual, using my PC, Grazz'zt (w/ PC and plot twists as bait) and Iuz, to get there, and she will complete a Soul Husks ritual similar to what Iuz did (where do you think he learned it? He was not as smart as momma, she was just imprisoned in the Abyss at the time). This is my proposed "endgame" for the campaign.

Backing it out from here, right now, they think Iuz is the target, w/ the one PC very interested in Graz'zt as well. Grazz'zt knows something is up, and will secretly, through a minion, contacting the PC to try to monitor and thwart Iggwilv, Iuz just wantst to hold/regain the Flaenaess and is mostly a smart, tough pawn of his parents in this game, although maybe not.....

A couple interim ideas before endgame
1 - Iuz's revenge - since they've thwarted him, they must pay.
2 - Iggy's distraction - reawaken an ancient, imprisoned minion of Zuggtomoy (Ruka-whatever) in Sepia to distract Perrenders away from Lost Caverns.
3 - Experimental Soul Husk - manipulated by Iggy, PC's must find and do something w/ one of Iuz's first attempts at Soul Husks (makes sense that he would practice first!) - thus getting Iuz's and Grazz'zt's attention to bait Iggy's trap
4 - which leads all of our players to the Lost Caverns for the end game. Will PC's ally w/ Grazz'zt (one PC's daddy), Iuz, both or neither? Will Iggwilve siphon off one or both and ascend......

Sorry for length, any thoughts are appreciated.....

War - good! (fictitious, RPG War that is)

Terresterial threats, okay.

How about a couple very stray, sleep deprived thoughts:

I'm just now buying up some of the other AP back issues after getting most of AoW's and playing none so far, although STAP looks very cool so far and I'm considering buying SCAP.

I like that these are based on Oerth, but in an undeveloped, under-utilized corner. Sounds like the SE corner of Jeklea Bay is now fully populated, drawn out and very, very cool, if you like nasty, demon inspired badness in the Jungle/Mountains/Underground, and really who doesn't?

Why not take a similar approach w/ an undeveloped area further to the West? The surviving Bakluni nations, such as Zeif and even Ket offer some fascinating, culture clashing, pseudo-crusader options that I haven't seen developed much if at all. Could tap genasi, and other elemental/genie-esque critters, blend in some Aladdin/Arabian nights stuff, this could be really very cool, in my opinion w/ lots and lots of options. I never played Al'Qadim or whatever it was, although I think I played the old first edition mummy mods, don't remember the names. I would go exactly this route, but the PC's could be needed, at least in part, because they, or most of them, are not part of this culture due to taboos, etc.

Could also, work in other settings w/o too much trouble, gives you the culture clash w/o the elf/orc cliche'and builds on one of the major strengths of the other AP's, in my opinion. Perhaps at stake is full on East vs. West collision.....hmmm, not that I'm in marketing, but also very topical given current events......

Of course, there is also always the sacred and mysterious Blackmoor too.......

Actually, I think he kinda wants to "lose" but you guys do raise a doubt in my mind about whether or not he truly wants it resolved. I think he's having more fun with the tension. Of course the rest of the party is contemplating killing him.........

ARGGGGH. Must resolve and have gameplan by tomorrow night....ohhhh the burden of the DM!!!!!

Wow! Thanks for the responses, and good thoughts all.

A bit more background, the Player is the one who suggested, and still toys with "going demonic" and wouldn't really mind becoming the party's nemisis in NPC form (he's really getting into the duality thing right now, just requested to stealthily buy some sleeping poison and antidote unbeknowndst to the rest of his party "just for fun").

I'm also toying with degrees of success, i.e. if they just rock through it, he gets total control and total choice of his character, able to display or hide demonic traits, free will, etc., just mediocre or scrape by means he again gains more control, but will still look like a cambion, with accompanying stigma and if he loses, well, we know how that goes.....

Thanks for the DMG hint, I'll check it out. RE: withdrawal options, good point, since a cleric is performing the ritual, he might be able to yank them out if it gets too hairy also....
I like the bit about not fighting his double directly, perhaps only he can fight his double and they end up trying to deal with his evil aspects ....

Yep, I'm on the converted character sheets, just so we don't bog down. Also like the all levels become tainted levels if he loses....extends the mechanics and lets him have more fun w/ journey to NPC nemesis status, which he is having a ball toying with... (almost scary).

Test run - good idea. I was actually trying to help them a bit on the Cha side, I don't think any of them are high Int, but at least some have good Cha, but I see your point.


I'll try to report back on Friday or Saturday after we run it.

Thanks again.

Hi all,

Looking for some suggestions from this august group. Background (confusing, bear with me): I've got a PC with 2 levels of Half-fiend, 3 levels in sorceror and 3 levels in tainted spell caster. Basically, he was "created" to be sacrificed for a cult to gain power via spilling his demonic blood, but, he was rescued as an infant. Via a ritual, the "demon side" was harnessed for a time, but started to manifest as he got older (and leveled up). This is the short version. It's way more complicated, but basically it's time to set up "the confrontation" where the two sides of his personality must be resolved.

The plan:
Via a ritual enacted by a high ranking cleric, he, and any members of his party will be transported to a "spiritual battleground/holding area/demi-plane" where he can confront essentially himself and resolve his future.

The trick:
Since the battle ground is basically within his soul, physical prowess on the material plane means nothing. I want to turn the mechanics upside down on this one. My thought: AC is based upon 10+Wis bonus. Attacks are d20 + Wis bonus to hit, 1-4 + Cha Bonus (force of personality) for damage. Htps will range from 1-4/HD for fighters and rogues (i.e. less "spiritual" characters) to 1d10 or 1d12 for Clerics/Paladins "more spiritual". Only magic items that will alter need to have some "soul power" to be relevant, for instance, my dwarven warrior will be in for a major shock, however, his Dwarven Waraxe is a family heirloom and was his Grandpappys (yep, weapon of legacy, but he doesn't know this yet) so it will do some damage still.

Trick part deux:
Since the battleground is essentially a demiplane created to hold part of his soul, he is basically fighting himself. The demonside will be allied with Hate, Greed, Envy, Jealousy, Rage, etc. on his side. I'm thinking as/if these start being defeated, he will get weaker, as these are still part of him. The trick will be to realize what is happening and either summon his better traits (Love, Generosity, Humility, etc) OR to subdue and assimilate, maybe via grapple or something the parts of his whole.

If he loses, he gains two levels of half-fiend and becomes evil NPC in all likelihood.

Okay, thoughts, critique, etc?

Another Option:

Depends upon timeline for your campaign, but maybe his pappy was your typical dwarven master crafter. When Iuz made his gambit during the Greyhawk Wars, maybe pappy was at Law's forge, or better yet, Stoink or someplace else in the Bandit Lands (known for arms dealing).

Dad gets whacked, young Twiggy is stranded in the Bandit Lands or Shield Lands, chased by human bandits, either of Iuz or independent, maybe even Alhaster (good tie in for later in AoW's w/ Prince Zeesh). Has to learn to survive. He's not in the mines or the caves. He hunts/fights/lives then finally hops a Rhennee barge to anywhere you want (whole different kind of human, those Rhennee) and there you have it. He's "home" again, like Greysmere, but now he doesn't fit. Too wild, to non-dwarfy, time to go adventure.

Hope it helps.

Another option is the "Tainted Spellcaster" from Dragon Back issue, gives some special abilities, some cool role-playing opportunities and great plot hooks for the DM, while allowing 1d6 per level.

My campaign has one, although he's not quite sure this is what he is, Sorceror/Tainted Spell caster/Half-fiend (it's complicated), and it has made for a very memorable experience.

Saern wrote:

I don't have a problem with the skills a person can have. Fighters aren't meant to be "skillful" in this sense of the word. Nor are clerics, wizards, sorcerers, paladins, or anything else with only 2 + Int skills per level. Wizards remedy this somewhat with their high Int, but otherwise, it's just part of the class.

Skills are powerful. They quickly seem to turn into super powers, as others have said before. However, that's only if you have the skill points to put in them. Rogues rely heavily on their skills. It's about the key feature of the class. So do bards, and wilderness-oriented classes are handy, too. To give a class more skills than they already have, or to take away from those that have more than 2 + Int, would change the balance of the game significantly, and should not be done lightly.

Fighters are meant to be good climbers, swimmers, jumpers, etc., not good diplomats and such. They can train to be, but not they won't (easily) be as good as a rogue or bard or paladin, and certainly they're not meant to be a good diplomat AND climber. It's just part of the class. I think that it is very well done as is.

If you change the skills, but want to avoid an overall change in power level, go for it, you will need a balancing factor.

I agree RE; the balancing factor, but have had some challenges like this as well. In the campaign I DM, I address it as follows and it seems to work (we have a Fighter, Bard, Sorceror, Ranger and inconsistently Rogues and Clerics).

1st, at first level, every character gets 3-5 free skill points (depending upon how good their back story is) to spend on knowledge or profession to sort of flesh out the character and what they may have been before becoming an adventurer. Doesn't seem to imbalance anything and allows for a very minor boost in areas that are otherwise neglected, creating more well rounded and actually thought out characters with history, motivation etc.

Next, going back to very back issue of Dragon for inspiration, if a fighter wants more skills, or a cleric, they need to customize - most notably by dropping heavy armor (feat equivalent) in exchange for a bigger class skills list, usually in three's such as hide, move silently and survival, and maybe one extra skill point per level.

Note: Fighter in this configuration becomes a woodsman. Not a scout, not a ranger, just a guy (or girl) who grew up in the woods w/ skill at woods fighting, no spiritual connection to nature and not extremely stealthy, but not a plate mail wearin', greatsword wielding tank either. This is my model of clerics of a nature diety as well.

NOTE II: No, the Woodsman (Fighter modified) can NOT take Heavy armor prof. as a bonus feat either. If he wants this, he can take a level in Fighter and not get the skill points and have to pay cross class. Ditto the cleric.

For what it's worth.

Who knows where I can find source material, PDF, written or whatever, whatever edition, on Iggwilv? I've picked up the latest Dragons on the subject and I downloaded the lost caverns, but is there a module RE: Tenser or the Circle of 8 that provides any details on the nasty old crone of Greyhawk?

I know, I'm being lazy and could search, but I am SURE that there is somebody on this board who knows, has it, and probably could give me the page number and stats from memory, so I prevail upon your generosity.

Thanks in advance.

I've got the core books, LG Gazetteer, Complete Adventurer, Heroes of Battle, and that's about it. I only run Greyhawk, the one in question is Trithereon, but I've made in house modifcations to clerics of Ehlonna and Kord as well. I get the Prestige class angle, but I still don't see why a low level cleric of some of these would have the Heavier armors, for instance and I don't agree with the "they don't have to use it" argument.

One of the Dragon Issues RE: 3 - 3.5 conversion offered variant fighter classes, and I'm thinking along the same lines.

Appreciate the responses.

Does anyone know an "official" resource (Dragon back issue, etc) that might reference customizing Clerics by diety?

The first re-birth of Greyhawk, 2nd ed, I think, tried this, with some unique spells by diety, less turnign for other options, etc. I continue this in my campaign, trading feats, such as heavy armor proficiency (which makes no sense to me for a cleric of say, Olidammara) for expanded skills lists and points. I'm looking for a resource to compare to so I don't imbalance in favor of an already good class.


Does anyone have a good source for looking up Prestige Classes online? I have access to all of the core Prestige classes, but I'm looking for a couple from the Supplements and Magazines, specifically Inquisitor (have a cleric of Trithereon in Greyhawk Campaign that I may want to modify), and Invisible Blade (two dagger wielding rogue).

I get irritated needing to buy an entire supplement for one prestige class, but can't find another source.

Thanks in advance.

A couple tiny notes on Bards:

1) For game mechanics, anybody remember Gellor from the Gord the Rogue books (by Mr. Gygax)? He hacked people up while rhythmically chanting/taunting them. Not bad. The lyrics were a bit cheesy, but this is doable.

2) The WOC archives have notes on playing a Bard w/ Class or somesuch that one of my players referred to, they are decent, check them out.

3) Like all classes, it all depends upon your player. I've seen some pretty boring (insert class here). A good player can play a very cool bard. In my campaign, the party would be absolutely screwed in any interaction w/o theirs. We have 6 PC's and 4 of them basically maxed out combat abilities, either spells, ranged or melee, leaving me with two PC's who can actually interact effectively w/ NPC's and one of these players, while having a character w/ high charisma, isn't a very good tactician - so their only saving grace when not hacking things up is their bard, the next best diplomat, info gatherer etc is a dwarven get the idea.

All that being said, he does pretty much hit like a pre-school girl in combat, but hey, so do wizards, you need to get good at other stuff - that's what the Dwarven fighter is for anyway.

I'm running a GH campaign right now and taking the group back into a town they've been to before (major modification of Brindinford from a Wizards mod, basically using the Map only). Having to many irritating adult responsibilities, I don't create all my own stuff, but modify it heavily and I'm looking for resources, from Dungeon, Dragon or anywhere, PDF's etc. folks have liked as small city/large town resources.

Any feedback appreciated.

The basic scenario is that the party has had to escape the town once already, they accomplished some other objectives and their main villain, a wily succubus, has fled back to the town.

They need to get in and deal w/ the villain w/o killing an entire town. So far, I've got a possessed and tough captain of the guard, the succubus, a possessed cleric and an assassin, as well as the watch and some underlings for them to deal with, but I'm looking for some options to expand and kick around.

Thanks in advance.

I've always liked the Greyhawk setting and, after a hiatus of about ten years from gaming where I basically fleshed out world history and made a billion NPC's, have been running a campaign for a couple of years.

Somewhere during that hiatus, before third addition, 2nd addition Greyhawk stuff modified clerics in Greyhawk (Greyhawk Adventures maybe?). Now in 3rd and 3.5 they seem to be platemail wearing medics again.

Has anyone taken a shot at modifying clerics based on their main diety?

I've been working on it for clerics of Ehlonna and Trithereon and seem to be coming up w/ some themes. For instance, Clerics of some dieties, like Ehlonna, Olidamarra and some others, should not be proficient w/ Heavy Armor, but should have an expanded skill list and slightly higher skill point accrual.

This just makes more sense to me. Thoughts?

Modified Greyhawk Campaign in the Sepia Uplands:

Lord Lor Blackhammer, NG Dwarven Fighter Level 7
-Just liberated ancestral stronghold (Heavily Modified Forge of Fury located in Sepia Uplands).

Corrum, N Human Ranger (Archery Combat Style) Level 7
- Agent of group of Higher Level do gooders in Vesve

Thorgon, N Elvish Bard, Level 7
- Last of his clan of Wood Elves, clan massacred in Vesve

Tarn, Half-Demon/Human: 2nd Level Half-Fiend, 2nd Level Sorceror, 3rd Level Tainted Spellcaster (Unknown to him, thinks he's a Sorceror, it's complicated).
- "Created" by cult of Iggwilv, native Perrenlander, ties to
Graz'zt - one messed up dude, was CG, now CN - fighting for his soul.

Layla, N Elvish Druid of Ehlonna, Level 7
-Wolf Animal Companion. Originally from Vesve Margins.

Seth, CN Human Rogue, Level 7
-Steals anything that isn't nailed down, but not from his own party.

Sometime Henchman (read NPC gueststar if somebody can't make it to game):
Vaero, N Halfling Rogue, Level 6

Fury wrote:

The Wizard in my group decided to fool around w/ the horns while the where having Allustan examine the box & other contents there-in passing over the horns as mundane. Seeing as that the Circlet has a Legacy of sorts I decided the Horns would as well. I had the horns absorbed by his body when he placed them to his brow & fall unconsciious, when he awakens a few days later his body will have changed slightly as it has been corrupted by the taint of Mishka. i plan on it leading him on a path of corruption during the rest of the campaign and it goes along perfectly w/ the player's character concept.

Any ideas, suggestions or opinions on what I can do w/ it from here; anything is welcome.

A couple of Dragon back issues, don't remember which ones, but I back ordered the one for sorcerers, had rules for running a Tainted Character, aquiring the Taint of the outer plans and being corrupted by the powers received. I'm running this with one of my PC's, blending rules for both a couple levels of half-fiend, a couple levels as sorceror and at present, three levels as a tainted sorceror, unbeknownedst to him, although he's getting the hint with all the Will Saves I'm having him roll. I know there was a fire motif with a a dragon-ish head and an elemental fire woman on the cover.

Follow-up: Dragon # 302.

Amaril wrote:
I'll second The 13th Warrior. It was the first D&D-like movie I owned and has always been a primary source of inspiration. In fact, the soudntrack is amazing when played during game sessions. It was the first soundtrack I bought specifically for that purpose.

Amen to that, although I agree with the other comment, not as good as the book. Love the bad guys, love the Viking leader, the little guy and the archer, love the quote about "seeing my father before me".

I ran an adventure based on this, switching the Bear Clan for Grimlocks, it was fun.